10th Tranquil

border collies and kelpies


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Rally-tokoa 23. marraskuuta 2021!





VRTL 10th Tranquil 23. marraskuuta 2021 22. marraskuuta 2021





Dee kaikki x2 rajaton 10 koiraa / ohjaaja / luokka

Ilmoittautua voit sähköpostiin deehukka@gmail.com otsikolla RTK26. Muistathan täyttää ilmoittautumislomakkeesta CAPS LOCKILLA kirjoitetut kohdat ja koiran rekisterinumero! Käytä samaa otsikkoa samaan luokkaan tuleville koirille ja huolehdi, että lainausmerkit ovat oikeat, jotta linkki toimii.

LUOKKA (rivinvaihto)

Korjaukset aiemmin tehtyihin ilmoittautumisiin voit laittaa samaan sähköpostiosoitteeseen otsikolla RTK26 korjaus. Kiitos ja paljon onnea kilpailuun!


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22770 sp Hinterland Crailsheim, Salama 100p
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba 100p
VTR-22911 lb Valhallan Candy Corn, Nessu 96p
VTR-22802 clk Sotasielun Ruskosinisiipi, Salama 96p
VTR-23137 saluki Jawdat Saibh Lina, Crissu 96p
VTR-22909 skn Lättänän Fiilikset Hukassa, Olga 95p
VTR-22876 whippe Elysian Dragon, Salama 92p
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba 92p
VTR-22849 tandog Greenleaf Jackpot, suba 89p
VTR-21687 kn Duckstruck's Bewilderbeast, Dee 88p
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba 86p
VTR-22847 ss Kanes Take Control, suba 86p
VTR-22979 lb Rahvakkaan Korkealentoinen, Olga 85p
VTR-22529 bpg In Some Trouble With Cannibal Kids, Salama 84p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 81p
VTR-23055 lb Owl Eye's Choragus, Olga 81p
VTR-23073 venvin Elysian Elite, Crissu 78p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 77p
VTR-21862 venvin Always Crossing The Line, Nala 76p
VTR-23033 slk Ashtail Hot Dog, Nessu 75p
VTR-22784 cpk Sotasielun Metsäpeura, Salama 74p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-23059 lb Owl Eye's Didgeridoo, Nessu 69p
VTR-23120 shiba Somato from Mono no Aware, Nessu 69p
VTR-22606 kd Szivárvány Város Fény, Dee 67p
VTR-23115 kn Inverno Iduna, Nala 67p
VTR-21863 venvin Darshan Cheeroke Dreams, Nala 66p
VTR-22949 cpk Trickie's Rebel With The Gun, Crissu 64p
VTR-20848 jackru Lempein Chester Desmond, Dee 62p
VTR-23101 whippe Hippulat Vinkuen Foreshots, Crissu 62p
VTR-22804 lpk Kaamossielun Kvinoa, Salama 61p
VTR-23110 ranbul Aura Sphere by Gradyloo, Nessu 60p
VTR-22753 clk Sotasielun Tesmaperhonen, Salama 59p
VTR-21979 engvin Xinensis Y Dough, Dee 58p
VTR-22748 cpk Azure Heart's Black Widow, Dee 54p
VTR-22408 venvin Zheleznyy Chelovek, Nala 53p
VTR-22991 whippe Unzymotic Queenright, Crissu 52p
VTR-23061 m Magnild Drumming Dragon, Crissu 50p
VTR-22851 tandog Hanka’s Night Hawk, suba 49p
VTR-22848 ss Wildpower’s Seventh Heaven, suba 49p
VTR-22801 cpk Sotasielun Ananassmoothie, Salama 48p
VTR-23165 lpk Varjosielun Korpinlaulu, Nala 46p
VTR-22545 clk Sotasielun Karttaperhonen, Salama 43p
VTR-22840 cluspa Panic Protocol's Princess Toadstool, Nessu 42p
VTR-22414 clk Red Lotus Dolphin Play, Dee 37p
VTR-23060 lb Owl Eye's Dowitcher, Olga 36p
VTR-23138 saluki Líle Dorrit Valquíria, Crissu 35p
VTR-23149 cpk Azure Heart's Sapphire Veil, Crissu 34p
VTR-23144 shelam Magnild Emerald, Nessu 33p
VTR-22993 venvin Roundelay Laetificaté Truth, Crissu 25p
VTR-23088 skn Double Play with Lividusa, Nessu 24p
VTR-23009 apk Inverno Girls Only, Nala 21p
VTR-20640 kn Golden Lawncake, Nala 14p
VTR-23004 silkter Radiant As The Sun, Nala 14p
VTR-22172 käävil Diminutive Spicy Savage, Dee 14p
VTR-21751 engspa Muistikuvan Downey, Dee 13p
VTR-22973 engspa Afterlife Xenophobia , Nessu 11p
VTR-23007 cocspa Dream Declaration, Nala 10p
VTR-21811 unkvin Grazyrunner's Unifier, Nala 10p
VTR-22854 tandog Illuminata Euforia, suba 10p
VTR-23107 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chulyin, Nessu 9p
VTR-22759 bpm Knockdown Dragout with Cannibal Kids, Salama 8p
VTR-22986 clk Sotasielun Batumi, Dee 7p
VTR-23136 afgaan Shukriya Lujza Irena, Crissu 6p
VTR-23083 cpk Joystorm Ombra Olympia, Dee 6p
VTR-23091 skn Double Play with Fuscus, Olga 3p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba 99p
VTR-23059 lb Owl Eye's Didgeridoo, Nessu 99p
VTR-20640 kn Golden Lawncake, Nala 99p
VTR-23009 apk Inverno Girls Only, Nala 98p
VTR-20848 jackru Lempein Chester Desmond, Dee 97p
VTR-23149 cpk Azure Heart's Sapphire Veil, Crissu 96p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 96p
VTR-23055 lb Owl Eye's Choragus, Olga 96p
VTR-22414 clk Red Lotus Dolphin Play, Dee 95p
VTR-22979 lb Rahvakkaan Korkealentoinen, Olga 95p
VTR-22804 lpk Kaamossielun Kvinoa, Salama 88p
VTR-21863 venvin Darshan Cheeroke Dreams, Nala 88p
VTR-22851 tandog Hanka’s Night Hawk, suba 83p
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba 78p
VTR-23083 cpk Joystorm Ombra Olympia, Dee 78p
VTR-21979 engvin Xinensis Y Dough, Dee 77p
VTR-23115 kn Inverno Iduna, Nala 77p
VTR-22606 kd Szivárvány Város Fény, Dee 76p
VTR-21811 unkvin Grazyrunner's Unifier, Nala 73p
VTR-22986 clk Sotasielun Batumi, Dee 71p
VTR-22876 whippe Elysian Dragon, Salama 70p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-23110 ranbul Aura Sphere by Gradyloo, Nessu 69p
VTR-22753 clk Sotasielun Tesmaperhonen, Salama 68p
VTR-22991 whippe Unzymotic Queenright, Crissu 67p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 65p
VTR-22545 clk Sotasielun Karttaperhonen, Salama 61p
VTR-23107 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chulyin, Nessu 61p
VTR-22748 cpk Azure Heart's Black Widow, Dee 60p
VTR-21862 venvin Always Crossing The Line, Nala 60p
VTR-22840 cluspa Panic Protocol's Princess Toadstool, Nessu 60p
VTR-22759 bpm Knockdown Dragout with Cannibal Kids, Salama 59p
VTR-22848 ss Wildpower’s Seventh Heaven, suba 53p
VTR-23137 saluki Jawdat Saibh Lina, Crissu 51p
VTR-22973 engspa Afterlife Xenophobia , Nessu 51p
VTR-22802 clk Sotasielun Ruskosinisiipi, Salama 50p
VTR-21687 kn Duckstruck's Bewilderbeast, Dee 49p
VTR-23091 skn Double Play with Fuscus, Olga 48p
VTR-22993 venvin Roundelay Laetificaté Truth, Crissu 47p
VTR-23165 lpk Varjosielun Korpinlaulu, Nala 47p
VTR-22784 cpk Sotasielun Metsäpeura, Salama 45p
VTR-23073 venvin Elysian Elite, Crissu 42p
VTR-23136 afgaan Shukriya Lujza Irena, Crissu 41p
VTR-23138 saluki Líle Dorrit Valquíria, Crissu 37p
VTR-23004 silkter Radiant As The Sun, Nala 35p
VTR-22801 cpk Sotasielun Ananassmoothie, Salama 35p
VTR-22770 sp Hinterland Crailsheim, Salama 34p
VTR-22408 venvin Zheleznyy Chelovek, Nala 34p
VTR-23088 skn Double Play with Lividusa, Nessu 32p
VTR-22172 käävil Diminutive Spicy Savage, Dee 31p
VTR-23061 m Magnild Drumming Dragon, Crissu 29p
VTR-22529 bpg In Some Trouble With Cannibal Kids, Salama 29p
VTR-23033 slk Ashtail Hot Dog, Nessu 29p
VTR-22909 skn Lättänän Fiilikset Hukassa, Olga 22p
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba 20p
VTR-23007 cocspa Dream Declaration, Nala 16p
VTR-22911 lb Valhallan Candy Corn, Nessu 14p
VTR-22849 tandog Greenleaf Jackpot, suba 14p
VTR-23144 shelam Magnild Emerald, Nessu 13p
VTR-22847 ss Kanes Take Control, suba 12p
VTR-21751 engspa Muistikuvan Downey, Dee 9p
VTR-23101 whippe Hippulat Vinkuen Foreshots, Crissu 8p
VTR-23120 shiba Somato from Mono no Aware, Nessu 4p
VTR-22949 cpk Trickie's Rebel With The Gun, Crissu 3p
VTR-23060 lb Owl Eye's Dowitcher, Olga 3p
VTR-22854 tandog Illuminata Euforia, suba 1p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22861 kn Bumbershoot Panjandrum, Olga 100p
VTR-21840 shelam Mutton Q's X-cuse My X-cellence, Dee 99p
VTR-22916 sp Schlechte Meinung von Abgesandte, Dee 99p
VTR-22589 whippe Elysian Breathtaker, Dee 96p
VTR-22918 lb Valhallan Chital, Olga 94p
VTR-22935 sp Sturmfrei Eppstein, Nessu 93p
VTR-22114 kn Once Again de la Dorado, Salama 93p
VTR-22068 pi Let The Sparks Fly, Salama 90p
VTR-21312 sp Joystorm Voice Of Thunder, Dee 88p
VTR-22575 schipp Valhallan Ääretön, suba 83p
VTR-22548 bc Giffard Chibuike, Crissu 82p
VTR-22862 kn Lollygag Hobbledehoy, Olga 82p
VTR-22560 whippe Myrskysielun Kapinallinen, Salama 80p
VTR-22632 clk Sotasielun Tundrahopeatäplä, Salama 79p
VTR-21948 bc Joktan Nur-Din, Crissu 75p
VTR-21954 shelam Sotasielun Aika Näyttää Mihin Pystyt, Dee 74p
VTR-22537 cpk Fincoll's Midnight Special, suba 74p
VTR-22863 lb Vainquer Ceres, Olga 74p
VTR-23025 slough Leeuborsel Dalili, Dee 72p
VTR-22139 stbter Inconsidered Playdate, Dee 71p
VTR-22541 clk Burgundy Lucky Number Seven, suba 70p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22538 cpk Silverbell's Blue Moonlight, suba 68p
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba 65p
VTR-22275 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Nisyros, Nessu 63p
VTR-22549 bc Haihatuksen Yrmi-Kyllikki, Crissu 63p
VTR-22140 stbter Woopsie's Lovabull, Dee 59p
VTR-22795 nsn Kummerspeck Ich Liebe Wanderlust, Olga 57p
VTR-22791 bulter Beresrock Seven Minutes Past Midnight, Nessu 57p
VTR-22257 bc Pimeyteen Kadonnut Ankkurikettinki, Crissu 57p
VTR-22510 clk Joystorm Joska Jolene, Salama 51p
VTR-23029 hpk Golden Cheese Cookie of Aoire, Nessu 49p
VTR-22568 kn Relient In Die Nacht, Olga 48p
VTR-22783 kn Duckstruck's Martes Martes, Olga 45p
VTR-22399 siphus Tikivik Baza Bavlos, Nessu 44p
VTR-22870 bc Marleigh Primrose, Crissu 41p
VTR-22555 sp Gotthold Yaraslava, Crissu 41p
VTR-22272 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Hekla, Crissu 37p
VTR-21971 clk Adalhard Elof Gösta, Crissu 37p
VTR-22579 ss Culmore Back in Black, suba 36p
VTR-22225 siphus Lunar Ending's Venenum Sumere, Nessu 35p
VTR-22595 stbter Zappier Gray World Gap, Nessu 34p
VTR-22629 whippe Tähtitieteen Paperiliidokki, Salama 33p
VTR-21203 sp Vanishing on 7th Street of Narvik, Dee 32p
VTR-22898 kkn Widdershins Quire, Olga 32p
VTR-22514 slk Hallatarun Mustakarhu, Nessu 28p
VTR-20374 kn Owl Eye's Kawakawa Looper, Olga 26p
VTR-22454 suopys Havupuron Santeri, Nessu 25p
VTR-21922 venvin Tiarnán Saturnino, Crissu 25p
VTR-21937 siphus Tikivik Alornek Aklaq, Nessu 24p
VTR-21930 kn Inverno Court of Royals, Nala 22p
VTR-22542 clk Viheliäisen Omintakeinen Makeinen, suba 17p
VTR-22546 clk Sotasielun Nokkosperhonen, suba 14p
VTR-21631 il DL Sendlingur, Dee 14p
VTR-22217 cpk Gloomkiller Hoyt, Crissu 12p
VTR-22540 cpk Macadamia's Your Highness, suba 11p
VTR-22544 clk Tupenrapinan Turkinpippuri, suba 5p
VTR-22108 lägpys Lunar Ending’s Cumulonimbus, Salama 2p
VTR-19989 kn Crow's Fest Traffic Control, Olga 1p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-21937 siphus Tikivik Alornek Aklaq, Nessu 100p
VTR-21922 venvin Tiarnán Saturnino, Crissu 98p
VTR-22595 stbter Zappier Gray World Gap, Nessu 97p
VTR-22898 kkn Widdershins Quire, Olga 94p
VTR-22629 whippe Tähtitieteen Paperiliidokki, Salama 93p
VTR-22863 lb Vainquer Ceres, Olga 93p
VTR-22589 whippe Elysian Breathtaker, Dee 93p
VTR-22139 stbter Inconsidered Playdate, Dee 93p
VTR-22795 nsn Kummerspeck Ich Liebe Wanderlust, Olga 89p
VTR-22140 stbter Woopsie's Lovabull, Dee 88p
VTR-22217 cpk Gloomkiller Hoyt, Crissu 87p
VTR-22555 sp Gotthold Yaraslava, Crissu 87p
VTR-22537 cpk Fincoll's Midnight Special, suba 86p
VTR-21312 sp Joystorm Voice Of Thunder, Dee 85p
VTR-22935 sp Sturmfrei Eppstein, Nessu 84p
VTR-22916 sp Schlechte Meinung von Abgesandte, Dee 82p
VTR-23029 hpk Golden Cheese Cookie of Aoire, Nessu 80p
VTR-22542 clk Viheliäisen Omintakeinen Makeinen, suba 75p
VTR-22541 clk Burgundy Lucky Number Seven, suba 75p
VTR-22454 suopys Havupuron Santeri, Nessu 75p
VTR-22538 cpk Silverbell's Blue Moonlight, suba 72p
VTR-22275 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Nisyros, Nessu 71p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22399 siphus Tikivik Baza Bavlos, Nessu 69p
VTR-22544 clk Tupenrapinan Turkinpippuri, suba 69p
VTR-22510 clk Joystorm Joska Jolene, Salama 68p
VTR-22257 bc Pimeyteen Kadonnut Ankkurikettinki, Crissu 67p
VTR-21971 clk Adalhard Elof Gösta, Crissu 67p
VTR-22918 lb Valhallan Chital, Olga 66p
VTR-22272 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Hekla, Crissu 66p
VTR-21840 shelam Mutton Q's X-cuse My X-cellence, Dee 63p
VTR-22783 kn Duckstruck's Martes Martes, Olga 61p
VTR-19989 kn Crow's Fest Traffic Control, Olga 60p
VTR-22108 lägpys Lunar Ending’s Cumulonimbus, Salama 54p
VTR-21954 shelam Sotasielun Aika Näyttää Mihin Pystyt, Dee 53p
VTR-22546 clk Sotasielun Nokkosperhonen, suba 51p
VTR-21631 il DL Sendlingur, Dee 49p
VTR-22540 cpk Macadamia's Your Highness, suba 47p
VTR-22549 bc Haihatuksen Yrmi-Kyllikki, Crissu 42p
VTR-23025 slough Leeuborsel Dalili, Dee 40p
VTR-22575 schipp Valhallan Ääretön, suba 39p
VTR-20374 kn Owl Eye's Kawakawa Looper, Olga 37p
VTR-22579 ss Culmore Back in Black, suba 36p
VTR-22560 whippe Myrskysielun Kapinallinen, Salama 35p
VTR-22632 clk Sotasielun Tundrahopeatäplä, Salama 29p
VTR-22068 pi Let The Sparks Fly, Salama 29p
VTR-22862 kn Lollygag Hobbledehoy, Olga 23p
VTR-22870 bc Marleigh Primrose, Crissu 23p
VTR-21948 bc Joktan Nur-Din, Crissu 23p
VTR-22548 bc Giffard Chibuike, Crissu 22p
VTR-22568 kn Relient In Die Nacht, Olga 22p
VTR-21930 kn Inverno Court of Royals, Nala 16p
VTR-21203 sp Vanishing on 7th Street of Narvik, Dee 14p
VTR-22861 kn Bumbershoot Panjandrum, Olga 13p
VTR-22514 slk Hallatarun Mustakarhu, Nessu 9p
VTR-22114 kn Once Again de la Dorado, Salama 9p
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba 8p
VTR-22791 bulter Beresrock Seven Minutes Past Midnight, Nessu 3p
VTR-22225 siphus Lunar Ending's Venenum Sumere, Nessu 0p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-20269 skn Lime With My Gin Please, Salama 87p
VTR-21820 whippe Pikapuuron Ajannäyttäjä, Dee 86p
VTR-19095 shelam Remeny's Amiable Aracelle, Dee 85p
VTR-18006 clk Wibbletron Thank God It’s Doomsday, Salama 73p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22345 rh Lunar Ending's Coward Has No Scar, suba 69p
VTR-20793 kn Bossanovan Diibadaaba, Olga 68p
VTR-21848 venvin Stepmaker's Dark Champagne, Crissu 65p
VTR-22100 cpk Silverbell's Peculiar Policy, Dee 59p
VTR-22496 cpk Sotasielun Currysade, suba 58p
VTR-21985 kn Inverno Delighting The World, Nala 50p
VTR-22601 kn Owl Eye's Antipsychotic, Olga 49p
VTR-22303 akita Valentine's Chocolate Surprise, Nessu 48p
VTR-19004 clk Askel Epätoivosta, Salama 44p
VTR-22533 cpk Valhallan Zero Gravity, suba 44p
VTR-19096 shelam Rainbowsky's Dashing Derell, Dee 43p
VTR-22348 tandog Congrat's Ace Of Spades, suba 42p
VTR-21605 slk Kaukovallan Ilomantsi, Dee 40p
VTR-22600 kn Owl Eye's Antishoplifting, Nessu 37p
VTR-22347 tandog Semana’s Butterfly Effect, suba 35p
VTR-22081 bpg If She Only Knew Voodoo Like I Do of Aoire, Nessu 32p
VTR-22761 sp Young Forever DEMONstration, Nessu 31p
VTR-22771 cpk Gloomkiller Immortal Melodies, Crissu 31p
VTR-22536 cpk Valhallan Åsa, suba 28p
VTR-22350 vehter Casten's Peekaboo, suba 28p
VTR-22336 lb Valhallan Yogi Bear, suba 27p
VTR-22320 dk Dotted Oak’s Troll Stroll, suba 26p
VTR-22917 sp Tiebreaker's Clearly Illusionist, Dee 24p
VTR-21856 cpk Valhallan Under The Same Sky, Dee 20p
VTR-22072 bc Lind Blindpassasjer, Crissu 17p
VTR-21968 tandog Impulziv Bidoof, suba 13p
VTR-22083 bpg Dance With The Dead of Aoire, Salama 10p
VTR-22457 lpk Kaamossielun Savu, Nessu 9p
VTR-21994 kn Inverno Drinking Blood, Nessu 8p
VTR-21269 apk Kaukovallan Impulsiivisuus, Dee 4p
VTR-22221 nsn Lunar Ending’s Haunted Forest, Salama 3p
VTR-22157 rh Fulumirani De Shobenieme, Dee 1p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22345 rh Lunar Ending's Coward Has No Scar, suba 97p
VTR-22350 vehter Casten's Peekaboo, suba 96p
VTR-21605 slk Kaukovallan Ilomantsi, Dee 95p
VTR-22320 dk Dotted Oak’s Troll Stroll, suba 94p
VTR-22157 rh Fulumirani De Shobenieme, Dee 90p
VTR-20793 kn Bossanovan Diibadaaba, Olga 85p
VTR-22100 cpk Silverbell's Peculiar Policy, Dee 82p
VTR-22221 nsn Lunar Ending’s Haunted Forest, Salama 77p
VTR-21269 apk Kaukovallan Impulsiivisuus, Dee 77p
VTR-22457 lpk Kaamossielun Savu, Nessu 74p
VTR-19095 shelam Remeny's Amiable Aracelle, Dee 73p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-19004 clk Askel Epätoivosta, Salama 68p
VTR-22348 tandog Congrat's Ace Of Spades, suba 66p
VTR-22771 cpk Gloomkiller Immortal Melodies, Crissu 64p
VTR-22303 akita Valentine's Chocolate Surprise, Nessu 62p
VTR-22600 kn Owl Eye's Antishoplifting, Nessu 60p
VTR-21968 tandog Impulziv Bidoof, suba 50p
VTR-19096 shelam Rainbowsky's Dashing Derell, Dee 50p
VTR-20269 skn Lime With My Gin Please, Salama 49p
VTR-22496 cpk Sotasielun Currysade, suba 41p
VTR-22081 bpg If She Only Knew Voodoo Like I Do of Aoire, Nessu 41p
VTR-22761 sp Young Forever DEMONstration, Nessu 40p
VTR-21985 kn Inverno Delighting The World, Nala 39p
VTR-21994 kn Inverno Drinking Blood, Nessu 38p
VTR-21848 venvin Stepmaker's Dark Champagne, Crissu 31p
VTR-21856 cpk Valhallan Under The Same Sky, Dee 30p
VTR-22601 kn Owl Eye's Antipsychotic, Olga 25p
VTR-22917 sp Tiebreaker's Clearly Illusionist, Dee 25p
VTR-22083 bpg Dance With The Dead of Aoire, Salama 25p
VTR-22536 cpk Valhallan Åsa, suba 23p
VTR-18006 clk Wibbletron Thank God It’s Doomsday, Salama 20p
VTR-22347 tandog Semana’s Butterfly Effect, suba 15p
VTR-22533 cpk Valhallan Zero Gravity, suba 12p
VTR-21820 whippe Pikapuuron Ajannäyttäjä, Dee 11p
VTR-22072 bc Lind Blindpassasjer, Crissu 1p
VTR-22336 lb Valhallan Yogi Bear, suba 0p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-21874 wecope Valhallan We Had To End It, Nessu 97p
VTR-22383 cocspa Nopsasaaren Hirmuinen Loppukiri, Dee 96p
VTR-21598 clk Valhallan Party Panda, Dee 94p
VTR-22219 cpk Gloomkiller Helios, suba 80p
VTR-22155 beagle Nakkiveneen Haukkuvaara, Dee 79p
VTR-22101 cpk Noble Willow Resist Your Twist, Dee 79p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22321 dk Tempaisun Lumilla, suba 62p
VTR-22216 clk Gloomkiller Go Godzilla, Go!, suba 61p
VTR-21978 nsn Kaukovallan Jolly Rancher, Dee 55p
VTR-21587 venvin Dearbháil Urban Arkadi Wulf, Crissu 44p
VTR-21517 sp Jaclyn Quirin, Crissu 42p
VTR-21586 venvin Athaliah Jinan Jindra, Crissu 38p
VTR-21434 bpm Road To Ruin of Alweer, Crissu 37p
VTR-19761 vehter Aspirations Guiding Light, suba 37p
VTR-21866 cpk Valhallan Under Attack, suba 35p
VTR-22254 cpk Joystorm Genzo Genius, suba 34p
VTR-21952 cpk Sotasielun Tuhkapilvi, suba 25p
VTR-21511 bc Vilinän Suviruusu, Crissu 22p
VTR-21915 nsn Duckstruck's Butcher's Broom, Dee 20p
VTR-21868 clk Valhallan Vertigo Valley, suba 14p
VTR-21636 kn Muistikuvan Aleksandria, Dee 13p
VTR-21818 kn Double Play with Steel Sky, Dee 12p
VTR-21873 wecope Valhallan Watch The Snow Fall, suba 8p
VTR-22282 clk Valhallan X Marks the Spot, suba 1p


hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22321 dk Tempaisun Lumilla, suba 99p
VTR-21873 wecope Valhallan Watch The Snow Fall, suba 99p
VTR-21434 bpm Road To Ruin of Alweer, Crissu 88p

hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-21915 nsn Duckstruck's Butcher's Broom, Dee 69p
VTR-21586 venvin Athaliah Jinan Jindra, Crissu 65p
VTR-19761 vehter Aspirations Guiding Light, suba 61p
VTR-21517 sp Jaclyn Quirin, Crissu 59p
VTR-21511 bc Vilinän Suviruusu, Crissu 58p
VTR-22282 clk Valhallan X Marks the Spot, suba 52p
VTR-22216 clk Gloomkiller Go Godzilla, Go!, suba 47p
VTR-21874 wecope Valhallan We Had To End It, Nessu 42p
VTR-21866 cpk Valhallan Under Attack, suba 40p
VTR-21818 kn Double Play with Steel Sky, Dee 34p
VTR-21978 nsn Kaukovallan Jolly Rancher, Dee 28p
VTR-22383 cocspa Nopsasaaren Hirmuinen Loppukiri, Dee 24p
VTR-21636 kn Muistikuvan Aleksandria, Dee 22p
VTR-22219 cpk Gloomkiller Helios, suba 16p
VTR-21868 clk Valhallan Vertigo Valley, suba 15p
VTR-21952 cpk Sotasielun Tuhkapilvi, suba 14p
VTR-22254 cpk Joystorm Genzo Genius, suba 8p
VTR-21587 venvin Dearbháil Urban Arkadi Wulf, Crissu 6p
VTR-22155 beagle Nakkiveneen Haukkuvaara, Dee 6p
VTR-21598 clk Valhallan Party Panda, Dee 3p
VTR-22101 cpk Noble Willow Resist Your Twist, Dee 3p

Ulkoasun kuvat © Boggas (CC BY-SA 3.0), IketaniDaisei (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Koristekuvat © Pixabay - Tämä on virtuaalikenneli / virtuaalikoira! This is a sim game kennel / dog!