hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22770 sp Hinterland Crailsheim, Salama 100p
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba 100p
VTR-22911 lb Valhallan Candy Corn, Nessu 96p
VTR-22802 clk Sotasielun Ruskosinisiipi, Salama 96p
VTR-23137 saluki Jawdat Saibh Lina, Crissu 96p
VTR-22909 skn Lättänän Fiilikset Hukassa, Olga 95p
VTR-22876 whippe Elysian Dragon, Salama 92p
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba 92p
VTR-22849 tandog Greenleaf Jackpot, suba 89p
VTR-21687 kn Duckstruck's Bewilderbeast, Dee 88p
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba 86p
VTR-22847 ss Kanes Take Control, suba 86p
VTR-22979 lb Rahvakkaan Korkealentoinen, Olga 85p
VTR-22529 bpg In Some Trouble With Cannibal Kids, Salama 84p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 81p
VTR-23055 lb Owl Eye's Choragus, Olga 81p
VTR-23073 venvin Elysian Elite, Crissu 78p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 77p
VTR-21862 venvin Always Crossing The Line, Nala 76p
VTR-23033 slk Ashtail Hot Dog, Nessu 75p
VTR-22784 cpk Sotasielun Metsäpeura, Salama 74p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-23059 lb Owl Eye's Didgeridoo, Nessu 69p
VTR-23120 shiba Somato from Mono no Aware, Nessu 69p
VTR-22606 kd Szivárvány Város Fény, Dee 67p
VTR-23115 kn Inverno Iduna, Nala 67p
VTR-21863 venvin Darshan Cheeroke Dreams, Nala 66p
VTR-22949 cpk Trickie's Rebel With The Gun, Crissu 64p
VTR-20848 jackru Lempein Chester Desmond, Dee 62p
VTR-23101 whippe Hippulat Vinkuen Foreshots, Crissu 62p
VTR-22804 lpk Kaamossielun Kvinoa, Salama 61p
VTR-23110 ranbul Aura Sphere by Gradyloo, Nessu 60p
VTR-22753 clk Sotasielun Tesmaperhonen, Salama 59p
VTR-21979 engvin Xinensis Y Dough, Dee 58p
VTR-22748 cpk Azure Heart's Black Widow, Dee 54p
VTR-22408 venvin Zheleznyy Chelovek, Nala 53p
VTR-22991 whippe Unzymotic Queenright, Crissu 52p
VTR-23061 m Magnild Drumming Dragon, Crissu 50p
VTR-22851 tandog Hanka’s Night Hawk, suba 49p
VTR-22848 ss Wildpower’s Seventh Heaven, suba 49p
VTR-22801 cpk Sotasielun Ananassmoothie, Salama 48p
VTR-23165 lpk Varjosielun Korpinlaulu, Nala 46p
VTR-22545 clk Sotasielun Karttaperhonen, Salama 43p
VTR-22840 cluspa Panic Protocol's Princess Toadstool, Nessu 42p
VTR-22414 clk Red Lotus Dolphin Play, Dee 37p
VTR-23060 lb Owl Eye's Dowitcher, Olga 36p
VTR-23138 saluki Líle Dorrit Valquíria, Crissu 35p
VTR-23149 cpk Azure Heart's Sapphire Veil, Crissu 34p
VTR-23144 shelam Magnild Emerald, Nessu 33p
VTR-22993 venvin Roundelay Laetificaté Truth, Crissu 25p
VTR-23088 skn Double Play with Lividusa, Nessu 24p
VTR-23009 apk Inverno Girls Only, Nala 21p
VTR-20640 kn Golden Lawncake, Nala 14p
VTR-23004 silkter Radiant As The Sun, Nala 14p
VTR-22172 käävil Diminutive Spicy Savage, Dee 14p
VTR-21751 engspa Muistikuvan Downey, Dee 13p
VTR-22973 engspa Afterlife Xenophobia , Nessu 11p
VTR-23007 cocspa Dream Declaration, Nala 10p
VTR-21811 unkvin Grazyrunner's Unifier, Nala 10p
VTR-22854 tandog Illuminata Euforia, suba 10p
VTR-23107 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chulyin, Nessu 9p
VTR-22759 bpm Knockdown Dragout with Cannibal Kids, Salama 8p
VTR-22986 clk Sotasielun Batumi, Dee 7p
VTR-23136 afgaan Shukriya Lujza Irena, Crissu 6p
VTR-23083 cpk Joystorm Ombra Olympia, Dee 6p
VTR-23091 skn Double Play with Fuscus, Olga 3p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba 99p
VTR-23059 lb Owl Eye's Didgeridoo, Nessu 99p
VTR-20640 kn Golden Lawncake, Nala 99p
VTR-23009 apk Inverno Girls Only, Nala 98p
VTR-20848 jackru Lempein Chester Desmond, Dee 97p
VTR-23149 cpk Azure Heart's Sapphire Veil, Crissu 96p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 96p
VTR-23055 lb Owl Eye's Choragus, Olga 96p
VTR-22414 clk Red Lotus Dolphin Play, Dee 95p
VTR-22979 lb Rahvakkaan Korkealentoinen, Olga 95p
VTR-22804 lpk Kaamossielun Kvinoa, Salama 88p
VTR-21863 venvin Darshan Cheeroke Dreams, Nala 88p
VTR-22851 tandog Hanka’s Night Hawk, suba 83p
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba 78p
VTR-23083 cpk Joystorm Ombra Olympia, Dee 78p
VTR-21979 engvin Xinensis Y Dough, Dee 77p
VTR-23115 kn Inverno Iduna, Nala 77p
VTR-22606 kd Szivárvány Város Fény, Dee 76p
VTR-21811 unkvin Grazyrunner's Unifier, Nala 73p
VTR-22986 clk Sotasielun Batumi, Dee 71p
VTR-22876 whippe Elysian Dragon, Salama 70p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-23110 ranbul Aura Sphere by Gradyloo, Nessu 69p
VTR-22753 clk Sotasielun Tesmaperhonen, Salama 68p
VTR-22991 whippe Unzymotic Queenright, Crissu 67p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 65p
VTR-22545 clk Sotasielun Karttaperhonen, Salama 61p
VTR-23107 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chulyin, Nessu 61p
VTR-22748 cpk Azure Heart's Black Widow, Dee 60p
VTR-21862 venvin Always Crossing The Line, Nala 60p
VTR-22840 cluspa Panic Protocol's Princess Toadstool, Nessu 60p
VTR-22759 bpm Knockdown Dragout with Cannibal Kids, Salama 59p
VTR-22848 ss Wildpower’s Seventh Heaven, suba 53p
VTR-23137 saluki Jawdat Saibh Lina, Crissu 51p
VTR-22973 engspa Afterlife Xenophobia , Nessu 51p
VTR-22802 clk Sotasielun Ruskosinisiipi, Salama 50p
VTR-21687 kn Duckstruck's Bewilderbeast, Dee 49p
VTR-23091 skn Double Play with Fuscus, Olga 48p
VTR-22993 venvin Roundelay Laetificaté Truth, Crissu 47p
VTR-23165 lpk Varjosielun Korpinlaulu, Nala 47p
VTR-22784 cpk Sotasielun Metsäpeura, Salama 45p
VTR-23073 venvin Elysian Elite, Crissu 42p
VTR-23136 afgaan Shukriya Lujza Irena, Crissu 41p
VTR-23138 saluki Líle Dorrit Valquíria, Crissu 37p
VTR-23004 silkter Radiant As The Sun, Nala 35p
VTR-22801 cpk Sotasielun Ananassmoothie, Salama 35p
VTR-22770 sp Hinterland Crailsheim, Salama 34p
VTR-22408 venvin Zheleznyy Chelovek, Nala 34p
VTR-23088 skn Double Play with Lividusa, Nessu 32p
VTR-22172 käävil Diminutive Spicy Savage, Dee 31p
VTR-23061 m Magnild Drumming Dragon, Crissu 29p
VTR-22529 bpg In Some Trouble With Cannibal Kids, Salama 29p
VTR-23033 slk Ashtail Hot Dog, Nessu 29p
VTR-22909 skn Lättänän Fiilikset Hukassa, Olga 22p
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba 20p
VTR-23007 cocspa Dream Declaration, Nala 16p
VTR-22911 lb Valhallan Candy Corn, Nessu 14p
VTR-22849 tandog Greenleaf Jackpot, suba 14p
VTR-23144 shelam Magnild Emerald, Nessu 13p
VTR-22847 ss Kanes Take Control, suba 12p
VTR-21751 engspa Muistikuvan Downey, Dee 9p
VTR-23101 whippe Hippulat Vinkuen Foreshots, Crissu 8p
VTR-23120 shiba Somato from Mono no Aware, Nessu 4p
VTR-22949 cpk Trickie's Rebel With The Gun, Crissu 3p
VTR-23060 lb Owl Eye's Dowitcher, Olga 3p
VTR-22854 tandog Illuminata Euforia, suba 1p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22861 kn Bumbershoot Panjandrum, Olga 100p
VTR-21840 shelam Mutton Q's X-cuse My X-cellence, Dee 99p
VTR-22916 sp Schlechte Meinung von Abgesandte, Dee 99p
VTR-22589 whippe Elysian Breathtaker, Dee 96p
VTR-22918 lb Valhallan Chital, Olga 94p
VTR-22935 sp Sturmfrei Eppstein, Nessu 93p
VTR-22114 kn Once Again de la Dorado, Salama 93p
VTR-22068 pi Let The Sparks Fly, Salama 90p
VTR-21312 sp Joystorm Voice Of Thunder, Dee 88p
VTR-22575 schipp Valhallan Ääretön, suba 83p
VTR-22548 bc Giffard Chibuike, Crissu 82p
VTR-22862 kn Lollygag Hobbledehoy, Olga 82p
VTR-22560 whippe Myrskysielun Kapinallinen, Salama 80p
VTR-22632 clk Sotasielun Tundrahopeatäplä, Salama 79p
VTR-21948 bc Joktan Nur-Din, Crissu 75p
VTR-21954 shelam Sotasielun Aika Näyttää Mihin Pystyt, Dee 74p
VTR-22537 cpk Fincoll's Midnight Special, suba 74p
VTR-22863 lb Vainquer Ceres, Olga 74p
VTR-23025 slough Leeuborsel Dalili, Dee 72p
VTR-22139 stbter Inconsidered Playdate, Dee 71p
VTR-22541 clk Burgundy Lucky Number Seven, suba 70p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22538 cpk Silverbell's Blue Moonlight, suba 68p
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba 65p
VTR-22275 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Nisyros, Nessu 63p
VTR-22549 bc Haihatuksen Yrmi-Kyllikki, Crissu 63p
VTR-22140 stbter Woopsie's Lovabull, Dee 59p
VTR-22795 nsn Kummerspeck Ich Liebe Wanderlust, Olga 57p
VTR-22791 bulter Beresrock Seven Minutes Past Midnight, Nessu 57p
VTR-22257 bc Pimeyteen Kadonnut Ankkurikettinki, Crissu 57p
VTR-22510 clk Joystorm Joska Jolene, Salama 51p
VTR-23029 hpk Golden Cheese Cookie of Aoire, Nessu 49p
VTR-22568 kn Relient In Die Nacht, Olga 48p
VTR-22783 kn Duckstruck's Martes Martes, Olga 45p
VTR-22399 siphus Tikivik Baza Bavlos, Nessu 44p
VTR-22870 bc Marleigh Primrose, Crissu 41p
VTR-22555 sp Gotthold Yaraslava, Crissu 41p
VTR-22272 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Hekla, Crissu 37p
VTR-21971 clk Adalhard Elof Gösta, Crissu 37p
VTR-22579 ss Culmore Back in Black, suba 36p
VTR-22225 siphus Lunar Ending's Venenum Sumere, Nessu 35p
VTR-22595 stbter Zappier Gray World Gap, Nessu 34p
VTR-22629 whippe Tähtitieteen Paperiliidokki, Salama 33p
VTR-21203 sp Vanishing on 7th Street of Narvik, Dee 32p
VTR-22898 kkn Widdershins Quire, Olga 32p
VTR-22514 slk Hallatarun Mustakarhu, Nessu 28p
VTR-20374 kn Owl Eye's Kawakawa Looper, Olga 26p
VTR-22454 suopys Havupuron Santeri, Nessu 25p
VTR-21922 venvin Tiarnán Saturnino, Crissu 25p
VTR-21937 siphus Tikivik Alornek Aklaq, Nessu 24p
VTR-21930 kn Inverno Court of Royals, Nala 22p
VTR-22542 clk Viheliäisen Omintakeinen Makeinen, suba 17p
VTR-22546 clk Sotasielun Nokkosperhonen, suba 14p
VTR-21631 il DL Sendlingur, Dee 14p
VTR-22217 cpk Gloomkiller Hoyt, Crissu 12p
VTR-22540 cpk Macadamia's Your Highness, suba 11p
VTR-22544 clk Tupenrapinan Turkinpippuri, suba 5p
VTR-22108 lägpys Lunar Ending’s Cumulonimbus, Salama 2p
VTR-19989 kn Crow's Fest Traffic Control, Olga 1p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-21937 siphus Tikivik Alornek Aklaq, Nessu 100p
VTR-21922 venvin Tiarnán Saturnino, Crissu 98p
VTR-22595 stbter Zappier Gray World Gap, Nessu 97p
VTR-22898 kkn Widdershins Quire, Olga 94p
VTR-22629 whippe Tähtitieteen Paperiliidokki, Salama 93p
VTR-22863 lb Vainquer Ceres, Olga 93p
VTR-22589 whippe Elysian Breathtaker, Dee 93p
VTR-22139 stbter Inconsidered Playdate, Dee 93p
VTR-22795 nsn Kummerspeck Ich Liebe Wanderlust, Olga 89p
VTR-22140 stbter Woopsie's Lovabull, Dee 88p
VTR-22217 cpk Gloomkiller Hoyt, Crissu 87p
VTR-22555 sp Gotthold Yaraslava, Crissu 87p
VTR-22537 cpk Fincoll's Midnight Special, suba 86p
VTR-21312 sp Joystorm Voice Of Thunder, Dee 85p
VTR-22935 sp Sturmfrei Eppstein, Nessu 84p
VTR-22916 sp Schlechte Meinung von Abgesandte, Dee 82p
VTR-23029 hpk Golden Cheese Cookie of Aoire, Nessu 80p
VTR-22542 clk Viheliäisen Omintakeinen Makeinen, suba 75p
VTR-22541 clk Burgundy Lucky Number Seven, suba 75p
VTR-22454 suopys Havupuron Santeri, Nessu 75p
VTR-22538 cpk Silverbell's Blue Moonlight, suba 72p
VTR-22275 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Nisyros, Nessu 71p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22399 siphus Tikivik Baza Bavlos, Nessu 69p
VTR-22544 clk Tupenrapinan Turkinpippuri, suba 69p
VTR-22510 clk Joystorm Joska Jolene, Salama 68p
VTR-22257 bc Pimeyteen Kadonnut Ankkurikettinki, Crissu 67p
VTR-21971 clk Adalhard Elof Gösta, Crissu 67p
VTR-22918 lb Valhallan Chital, Olga 66p
VTR-22272 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Hekla, Crissu 66p
VTR-21840 shelam Mutton Q's X-cuse My X-cellence, Dee 63p
VTR-22783 kn Duckstruck's Martes Martes, Olga 61p
VTR-19989 kn Crow's Fest Traffic Control, Olga 60p
VTR-22108 lägpys Lunar Ending’s Cumulonimbus, Salama 54p
VTR-21954 shelam Sotasielun Aika Näyttää Mihin Pystyt, Dee 53p
VTR-22546 clk Sotasielun Nokkosperhonen, suba 51p
VTR-21631 il DL Sendlingur, Dee 49p
VTR-22540 cpk Macadamia's Your Highness, suba 47p
VTR-22549 bc Haihatuksen Yrmi-Kyllikki, Crissu 42p
VTR-23025 slough Leeuborsel Dalili, Dee 40p
VTR-22575 schipp Valhallan Ääretön, suba 39p
VTR-20374 kn Owl Eye's Kawakawa Looper, Olga 37p
VTR-22579 ss Culmore Back in Black, suba 36p
VTR-22560 whippe Myrskysielun Kapinallinen, Salama 35p
VTR-22632 clk Sotasielun Tundrahopeatäplä, Salama 29p
VTR-22068 pi Let The Sparks Fly, Salama 29p
VTR-22862 kn Lollygag Hobbledehoy, Olga 23p
VTR-22870 bc Marleigh Primrose, Crissu 23p
VTR-21948 bc Joktan Nur-Din, Crissu 23p
VTR-22548 bc Giffard Chibuike, Crissu 22p
VTR-22568 kn Relient In Die Nacht, Olga 22p
VTR-21930 kn Inverno Court of Royals, Nala 16p
VTR-21203 sp Vanishing on 7th Street of Narvik, Dee 14p
VTR-22861 kn Bumbershoot Panjandrum, Olga 13p
VTR-22514 slk Hallatarun Mustakarhu, Nessu 9p
VTR-22114 kn Once Again de la Dorado, Salama 9p
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba 8p
VTR-22791 bulter Beresrock Seven Minutes Past Midnight, Nessu 3p
VTR-22225 siphus Lunar Ending's Venenum Sumere, Nessu 0p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-20269 skn Lime With My Gin Please, Salama 87p
VTR-21820 whippe Pikapuuron Ajannäyttäjä, Dee 86p
VTR-19095 shelam Remeny's Amiable Aracelle, Dee 85p
VTR-18006 clk Wibbletron Thank God It’s Doomsday, Salama 73p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22345 rh Lunar Ending's Coward Has No Scar, suba 69p
VTR-20793 kn Bossanovan Diibadaaba, Olga 68p
VTR-21848 venvin Stepmaker's Dark Champagne, Crissu 65p
VTR-22100 cpk Silverbell's Peculiar Policy, Dee 59p
VTR-22496 cpk Sotasielun Currysade, suba 58p
VTR-21985 kn Inverno Delighting The World, Nala 50p
VTR-22601 kn Owl Eye's Antipsychotic, Olga 49p
VTR-22303 akita Valentine's Chocolate Surprise, Nessu 48p
VTR-19004 clk Askel Epätoivosta, Salama 44p
VTR-22533 cpk Valhallan Zero Gravity, suba 44p
VTR-19096 shelam Rainbowsky's Dashing Derell, Dee 43p
VTR-22348 tandog Congrat's Ace Of Spades, suba 42p
VTR-21605 slk Kaukovallan Ilomantsi, Dee 40p
VTR-22600 kn Owl Eye's Antishoplifting, Nessu 37p
VTR-22347 tandog Semana’s Butterfly Effect, suba 35p
VTR-22081 bpg If She Only Knew Voodoo Like I Do of Aoire, Nessu 32p
VTR-22761 sp Young Forever DEMONstration, Nessu 31p
VTR-22771 cpk Gloomkiller Immortal Melodies, Crissu 31p
VTR-22536 cpk Valhallan Åsa, suba 28p
VTR-22350 vehter Casten's Peekaboo, suba 28p
VTR-22336 lb Valhallan Yogi Bear, suba 27p
VTR-22320 dk Dotted Oak’s Troll Stroll, suba 26p
VTR-22917 sp Tiebreaker's Clearly Illusionist, Dee 24p
VTR-21856 cpk Valhallan Under The Same Sky, Dee 20p
VTR-22072 bc Lind Blindpassasjer, Crissu 17p
VTR-21968 tandog Impulziv Bidoof, suba 13p
VTR-22083 bpg Dance With The Dead of Aoire, Salama 10p
VTR-22457 lpk Kaamossielun Savu, Nessu 9p
VTR-21994 kn Inverno Drinking Blood, Nessu 8p
VTR-21269 apk Kaukovallan Impulsiivisuus, Dee 4p
VTR-22221 nsn Lunar Ending’s Haunted Forest, Salama 3p
VTR-22157 rh Fulumirani De Shobenieme, Dee 1p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22345 rh Lunar Ending's Coward Has No Scar, suba 97p
VTR-22350 vehter Casten's Peekaboo, suba 96p
VTR-21605 slk Kaukovallan Ilomantsi, Dee 95p
VTR-22320 dk Dotted Oak’s Troll Stroll, suba 94p
VTR-22157 rh Fulumirani De Shobenieme, Dee 90p
VTR-20793 kn Bossanovan Diibadaaba, Olga 85p
VTR-22100 cpk Silverbell's Peculiar Policy, Dee 82p
VTR-22221 nsn Lunar Ending’s Haunted Forest, Salama 77p
VTR-21269 apk Kaukovallan Impulsiivisuus, Dee 77p
VTR-22457 lpk Kaamossielun Savu, Nessu 74p
VTR-19095 shelam Remeny's Amiable Aracelle, Dee 73p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-19004 clk Askel Epätoivosta, Salama 68p
VTR-22348 tandog Congrat's Ace Of Spades, suba 66p
VTR-22771 cpk Gloomkiller Immortal Melodies, Crissu 64p
VTR-22303 akita Valentine's Chocolate Surprise, Nessu 62p
VTR-22600 kn Owl Eye's Antishoplifting, Nessu 60p
VTR-21968 tandog Impulziv Bidoof, suba 50p
VTR-19096 shelam Rainbowsky's Dashing Derell, Dee 50p
VTR-20269 skn Lime With My Gin Please, Salama 49p
VTR-22496 cpk Sotasielun Currysade, suba 41p
VTR-22081 bpg If She Only Knew Voodoo Like I Do of Aoire, Nessu 41p
VTR-22761 sp Young Forever DEMONstration, Nessu 40p
VTR-21985 kn Inverno Delighting The World, Nala 39p
VTR-21994 kn Inverno Drinking Blood, Nessu 38p
VTR-21848 venvin Stepmaker's Dark Champagne, Crissu 31p
VTR-21856 cpk Valhallan Under The Same Sky, Dee 30p
VTR-22601 kn Owl Eye's Antipsychotic, Olga 25p
VTR-22917 sp Tiebreaker's Clearly Illusionist, Dee 25p
VTR-22083 bpg Dance With The Dead of Aoire, Salama 25p
VTR-22536 cpk Valhallan Åsa, suba 23p
VTR-18006 clk Wibbletron Thank God It’s Doomsday, Salama 20p
VTR-22347 tandog Semana’s Butterfly Effect, suba 15p
VTR-22533 cpk Valhallan Zero Gravity, suba 12p
VTR-21820 whippe Pikapuuron Ajannäyttäjä, Dee 11p
VTR-22072 bc Lind Blindpassasjer, Crissu 1p
VTR-22336 lb Valhallan Yogi Bear, suba 0p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-21874 wecope Valhallan We Had To End It, Nessu 97p
VTR-22383 cocspa Nopsasaaren Hirmuinen Loppukiri, Dee 96p
VTR-21598 clk Valhallan Party Panda, Dee 94p
VTR-22219 cpk Gloomkiller Helios, suba 80p
VTR-22155 beagle Nakkiveneen Haukkuvaara, Dee 79p
VTR-22101 cpk Noble Willow Resist Your Twist, Dee 79p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-22321 dk Tempaisun Lumilla, suba 62p
VTR-22216 clk Gloomkiller Go Godzilla, Go!, suba 61p
VTR-21978 nsn Kaukovallan Jolly Rancher, Dee 55p
VTR-21587 venvin Dearbháil Urban Arkadi Wulf, Crissu 44p
VTR-21517 sp Jaclyn Quirin, Crissu 42p
VTR-21586 venvin Athaliah Jinan Jindra, Crissu 38p
VTR-21434 bpm Road To Ruin of Alweer, Crissu 37p
VTR-19761 vehter Aspirations Guiding Light, suba 37p
VTR-21866 cpk Valhallan Under Attack, suba 35p
VTR-22254 cpk Joystorm Genzo Genius, suba 34p
VTR-21952 cpk Sotasielun Tuhkapilvi, suba 25p
VTR-21511 bc Vilinän Suviruusu, Crissu 22p
VTR-21915 nsn Duckstruck's Butcher's Broom, Dee 20p
VTR-21868 clk Valhallan Vertigo Valley, suba 14p
VTR-21636 kn Muistikuvan Aleksandria, Dee 13p
VTR-21818 kn Double Play with Steel Sky, Dee 12p
VTR-21873 wecope Valhallan Watch The Snow Fall, suba 8p
VTR-22282 clk Valhallan X Marks the Spot, suba 1p
hyväksytty, 100-70p.
VTR-22321 dk Tempaisun Lumilla, suba 99p
VTR-21873 wecope Valhallan Watch The Snow Fall, suba 99p
VTR-21434 bpm Road To Ruin of Alweer, Crissu 88p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-21915 nsn Duckstruck's Butcher's Broom, Dee 69p
VTR-21586 venvin Athaliah Jinan Jindra, Crissu 65p
VTR-19761 vehter Aspirations Guiding Light, suba 61p
VTR-21517 sp Jaclyn Quirin, Crissu 59p
VTR-21511 bc Vilinän Suviruusu, Crissu 58p
VTR-22282 clk Valhallan X Marks the Spot, suba 52p
VTR-22216 clk Gloomkiller Go Godzilla, Go!, suba 47p
VTR-21874 wecope Valhallan We Had To End It, Nessu 42p
VTR-21866 cpk Valhallan Under Attack, suba 40p
VTR-21818 kn Double Play with Steel Sky, Dee 34p
VTR-21978 nsn Kaukovallan Jolly Rancher, Dee 28p
VTR-22383 cocspa Nopsasaaren Hirmuinen Loppukiri, Dee 24p
VTR-21636 kn Muistikuvan Aleksandria, Dee 22p
VTR-22219 cpk Gloomkiller Helios, suba 16p
VTR-21868 clk Valhallan Vertigo Valley, suba 15p
VTR-21952 cpk Sotasielun Tuhkapilvi, suba 14p
VTR-22254 cpk Joystorm Genzo Genius, suba 8p
VTR-21587 venvin Dearbháil Urban Arkadi Wulf, Crissu 6p
VTR-22155 beagle Nakkiveneen Haukkuvaara, Dee 6p
VTR-21598 clk Valhallan Party Panda, Dee 3p
VTR-22101 cpk Noble Willow Resist Your Twist, Dee 3p