
Vesipelastusta 08.01.2025





VVPY Lacuna 08.01.2025 07.01.2025





Dee kaikki x2 rajaton 10 koiraa / ohjaaja / luokka

Voit osallistua sähköpostiin otsikolla VEPE49. Samaan luokkaan osallistuvat saman luokkaotsikon alle, kiitos! Käytäthän osallistuessasi seuraavaa lomaketta:

LUOKKA (rivinvaihto)

Osallistut automaattisesti luokkasi molempiin startteihin (A & B).


hyväksytty, 100-80p.
VTR-26336 siphus Hallatarun Kuura, Dee 100p
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 81p

hylätty, alle 80p.
VTR-26332 ak 10th Tranquil The Lights Go Out, Dee 76p
VTR-26323 cocspa Tjolahopps Runar, Dee 41p
VTR-26346 dk Ein Unfall Macht Weiser, Lianna 40p


hyväksytty, 100-80p.
VTR-26346 dk Ein Unfall Macht Weiser, Lianna 99p

hylätty, alle 80p.
VTR-26323 cocspa Tjolahopps Runar, Dee 76p
VTR-26336 siphus Hallatarun Kuura, Dee 60p
VTR-26332 ak 10th Tranquil The Lights Go Out, Dee 48p
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 45p


1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-26049 tandog Goldane’s Genevieve, suba 97p
VTR-25290 clk Joystorm Hayda Hazara, Lianna 96p
VTR-26087 il Ofurmáni frá Demantur, Dee 93p
VTR-26317 bpt Lezcas Loki, Dee 92p
VTR-26060 tandog Larmore Watermelon Sugar, suba 91p

2-tulos, 89-80p.

3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-26315 kn Använda's Lös Skruv, Dee 74p
VTR-25291 cpk Joystorm Indra Inesse, Lianna 63p
VTR-26328 ak Ephemeres Karma Kicks, Dee 63p
VTR-26345 dk Från Tid Till Evighet, Lianna 62p
VTR-26137 kn Duckstruck's Bing! Bang! Boom!, Dee 60p

0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-26048 lb Valhallan Que Sera, suba 58p


1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-26087 il Ofurmáni frá Demantur, Dee 100p

2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-26317 bpt Lezcas Loki, Dee 84p
VTR-26048 lb Valhallan Que Sera, suba 83p
VTR-25290 clk Joystorm Hayda Hazara, Lianna 83p
VTR-26315 kn Använda's Lös Skruv, Dee 81p
VTR-26345 dk Från Tid Till Evighet, Lianna 80p

3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-26137 kn Duckstruck's Bing! Bang! Boom!, Dee 76p
VTR-26060 tandog Larmore Watermelon Sugar, suba 70p
VTR-26049 tandog Goldane’s Genevieve, suba 69p

0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-25291 cpk Joystorm Indra Inesse, Lianna 42p
VTR-26328 ak Ephemeres Karma Kicks, Dee 42p


1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-24337 lpk Kaamossielun Tryffeli, Dee 99p
VTR-26044 clk Valhallan Paint it Blue, suba 95p
VTR-26036 cpk Valhallan Misery Business, suba 94p
VTR-22825 walspa Wildfire's Mimic, Dee 93p
VTR-26051 tandog Goldane’s Headshot, suba 90p

2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-26061 tandog Pennyworths Shadowmaker, suba 84p
VTR-24344 ss Foxphoria Going to Hell in a Handbasket, Dee 83p

3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-26037 clk Valhallan Never Say Never, suba 68p
VTR-24638 engspa Rustic Flamboyant, Dee 68p
VTR-24114 kn Owl Eye's Epimyth, Dee 67p
VTR-23498 clk Valhallan Genghis Khan, suba 66p
VTR-24133 lpk Rajatapauksen Urbaanilegenda, Dee 65p
VTR-24150 akk Uinuvan Kuulas Rehellisyys, Dee 64p
VTR-26057 tandog Killerblades Savage Savannah, suba 62p

0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-24494 brater Myrskysielun Selväjärkinen, Dee 58p
VTR-24306 bpm Foxphoria Fiddling While Rome Burns, Dee 56p
VTR-26062 tandog Zigzagwise Domino Dancing, suba 51p
VTR-26040 clk Valhallan Ocean Eyes, suba 45p
VTR-26059 tandog Horesh Takeaway, suba 43p
VTR-24608 cpk Azure Heart's Maui Moonlight, Dee 41p


1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-26061 tandog Pennyworths Shadowmaker, suba 100p
VTR-24638 engspa Rustic Flamboyant, Dee 98p
VTR-24337 lpk Kaamossielun Tryffeli, Dee 97p
VTR-26062 tandog Zigzagwise Domino Dancing, suba 94p
VTR-22825 walspa Wildfire's Mimic, Dee 91p
VTR-24494 brater Myrskysielun Selväjärkinen, Dee 90p

2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-26036 cpk Valhallan Misery Business, suba 89p
VTR-24344 ss Foxphoria Going to Hell in a Handbasket, Dee 84p

3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-24608 cpk Azure Heart's Maui Moonlight, Dee 78p
VTR-24133 lpk Rajatapauksen Urbaanilegenda, Dee 76p
VTR-26037 clk Valhallan Never Say Never, suba 74p
VTR-24114 kn Owl Eye's Epimyth, Dee 73p
VTR-26044 clk Valhallan Paint it Blue, suba 73p
VTR-26057 tandog Killerblades Savage Savannah, suba 67p
VTR-23498 clk Valhallan Genghis Khan, suba 65p

0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-26040 clk Valhallan Ocean Eyes, suba 58p
VTR-24306 bpm Foxphoria Fiddling While Rome Burns, Dee 57p
VTR-26051 tandog Goldane’s Headshot, suba 48p
VTR-26059 tandog Horesh Takeaway, suba 43p
VTR-24150 akk Uinuvan Kuulas Rehellisyys, Dee 40p


1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-23981 bpt Solmusielun Silloin Ilo Istui Lauteilla, Dee 98p
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba 97p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 92p
VTR-23973 whippe Myrskysielun Kiireetön, Dee 90p

2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-22823 fiespa Svetlana of Tracker's Club, Dee 87p
VTR-23087 lb Owl Eye's Dodger, suba 86p

3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-23900 ak Swirl Twirl Downside Up, Dee 78p
VTR-23965 bc Vilinän Tiikerin Päiväuni, Dee 78p
VTR-23899 bpm Ratsian Muilla Mailla, Dee 77p
VTR-23500 cpk Valhallan Halo Effect, suba 76p
VTR-24135 esv Pihkovan Dracaena, Dee 74p
VTR-24062 whippe Elysian Jinx, Dee 72p
VTR-26056 tandog Luandane's Handsome Devil, suba 72p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 63p
VTR-23175 slk Kalmakeijun Eska Eiven, Dee 62p

0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-24073 clk Joystorm Umbra Ucilla, Dee 59p
VTR-25658 lb Valhallan Larger Than Life, suba 47p


1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-23500 cpk Valhallan Halo Effect, suba 95p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 92p
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba 91p

2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-23900 ak Swirl Twirl Downside Up, Dee 88p
VTR-24073 clk Joystorm Umbra Ucilla, Dee 84p
VTR-23899 bpm Ratsian Muilla Mailla, Dee 83p

3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 69p
VTR-23965 bc Vilinän Tiikerin Päiväuni, Dee 69p
VTR-24062 whippe Elysian Jinx, Dee 67p
VTR-26056 tandog Luandane's Handsome Devil, suba 65p
VTR-24135 esv Pihkovan Dracaena, Dee 61p

0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-22823 fiespa Svetlana of Tracker's Club, Dee 57p
VTR-23175 slk Kalmakeijun Eska Eiven, Dee 54p
VTR-23981 bpt Solmusielun Silloin Ilo Istui Lauteilla, Dee 51p
VTR-23087 lb Owl Eye's Dodger, suba 43p
VTR-25658 lb Valhallan Larger Than Life, suba 40p
VTR-23973 whippe Myrskysielun Kiireetön, Dee 40p

Ulkoasu © Dee, Gloriandus,
Big Brazzel (Cia Lindroth), luvat on
Tausta © Unsplash
Lacuna on virtuaalikennel!
Lacuna is a sim game kennel!
Bit Like
La Lluvia