Osallistut automaattisesti luokkasi molempiin ratoihin (C & D).
Cattle STD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25971 apk Sademetsän Aavehaave, Dee 93p
VTR-25980 br Joystorm Ulma Ulana, Dee 89p
VTR-25340 apk Crowdon Ask The Task, Tyler 71p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25978 bc 10th Tranquil Madness in the Shadows, Dee 69p
VTR-26123 il Viva La Snugglebug, Dee 55p
VTR-26119 il Geyserblaze's Meteor Shard, Dee 55p
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 51p
VTR-25344 bc Guthrun Twenty One Codes, Minni 42p
VTR-25874 bc 10th Tranquil Broken His Cage, Threw Out the Key, Dee 36p
VTR-26319 apk Baylinos Gerald Morris, Dee 31p
VTR-26069 apk Kuumyytin Siksi Juoksen Pakenen, Dee 5p
VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee 0p
Cattle STD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-26123 il Viva La Snugglebug, Dee 100p
VTR-25978 bc 10th Tranquil Madness in the Shadows, Dee 93p
VTR-25344 bc Guthrun Twenty One Codes, Minni 91p
VTR-26069 apk Kuumyytin Siksi Juoksen Pakenen, Dee 74p
VTR-25874 bc 10th Tranquil Broken His Cage, Threw Out the Key, Dee 73p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee 65p
VTR-25971 apk Sademetsän Aavehaave, Dee 48p
VTR-25980 br Joystorm Ulma Ulana, Dee 46p
VTR-26319 apk Baylinos Gerald Morris, Dee 45p
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 44p
VTR-26119 il Geyserblaze's Meteor Shard, Dee 43p
VTR-25340 apk Crowdon Ask The Task, Tyler 34p
Cattle OTD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25999 apk Kuumyytin Riittääkö Armosi Halki Tän Suon?, Dee 99p
VTR-26022 bc Guthrun Geminiraptor, Dee 87p
VTR-26085 il Salamakasteen Ruskosammakko, Dee 83p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26083 il Sólarljós frá Skuggimáni, Dee 56p
VTR-25162 bc Vilinän Ohikiitävää, Minni 38p
VTR-25974 ak Lulla-Bye's Pink Slip, Dee 24p
VTR-25845 il Hallatarun Tähkäkello, Dee 18p
VTR-25949 ak Ziggyzag Rain Or Shine, Dee 13p
Cattle OTD D
leg, 100-70p.
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25949 ak Ziggyzag Rain Or Shine, Dee 54p
VTR-25974 ak Lulla-Bye's Pink Slip, Dee 50p
VTR-25162 bc Vilinän Ohikiitävää, Minni 46p
VTR-26085 il Salamakasteen Ruskosammakko, Dee 45p
VTR-25845 il Hallatarun Tähkäkello, Dee 41p
VTR-26022 bc Guthrun Geminiraptor, Dee 38p
VTR-25999 apk Kuumyytin Riittääkö Armosi Halki Tän Suon?, Dee 18p
VTR-26083 il Sólarljós frá Skuggimáni, Dee 13p
Cattle ATD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25513 apk Kel'me Taggar Ner, Dee 96p
VTR-25004 bc Kielahovin Kapteeni Amerikka, Minni 73p
VTR-25948 ak Caan Timebomb, Dee 70p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25505 apk Kahlekätköjen Salamasankari, Dee 42p
VTR-25665 bc Vilinän Miljoonakello, Dee 29p
VTR-25970 apk Moon's Spaceship, Dee 1p
Cattle ATD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25513 apk Kel'me Taggar Ner, Dee 92p
VTR-25665 bc Vilinän Miljoonakello, Dee 89p
VTR-25970 apk Moon's Spaceship, Dee 82p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25004 bc Kielahovin Kapteeni Amerikka, Minni 63p
VTR-25948 ak Caan Timebomb, Dee 51p
VTR-25505 apk Kahlekätköjen Salamasankari, Dee 30p
Duck STD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 97p
VTR-26123 il Viva La Snugglebug, Dee 78p
VTR-26069 apk Kuumyytin Siksi Juoksen Pakenen, Dee 76p
VTR-26090 apk Standby's Quest For Fire, Dee 72p
VTR-26022 bc Guthrun Geminiraptor, Dee 71p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee 66p
VTR-26338 apk Kuumyytin Höyhen Joka Lensi Tuulessa, Dee 27p
VTR-26329 ak Wherewithal Lethal Love, Dee 27p
VTR-25344 bc Guthrun Twenty One Codes, Minni 23p
VTR-26119 il Geyserblaze's Meteor Shard, Dee 12p
VTR-26319 apk Baylinos Gerald Morris, Dee 2p
Duck STD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-26123 il Viva La Snugglebug, Dee 100p
VTR-26119 il Geyserblaze's Meteor Shard, Dee 89p
VTR-26069 apk Kuumyytin Siksi Juoksen Pakenen, Dee 72p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26022 bc Guthrun Geminiraptor, Dee 69p
VTR-26090 apk Standby's Quest For Fire, Dee 55p
VTR-26329 ak Wherewithal Lethal Love, Dee 48p
VTR-26338 apk Kuumyytin Höyhen Joka Lensi Tuulessa, Dee 45p
VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee 44p
VTR-26319 apk Baylinos Gerald Morris, Dee 41p
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 40p
VTR-25344 bc Guthrun Twenty One Codes, Minni 30p
Duck OTD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25978 bc 10th Tranquil Madness in the Shadows, Dee 76p
VTR-26085 il Salamakasteen Ruskosammakko, Dee 73p
VTR-23169 bc Guthrun Kenaji Fjords, Minni 72p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25162 bc Vilinän Ohikiitävää, Minni 69p
VTR-25845 il Hallatarun Tähkäkello, Dee 67p
VTR-25999 apk Kuumyytin Riittääkö Armosi Halki Tän Suon?, Dee 67p
VTR-25980 br Joystorm Ulma Ulana, Dee 66p
VTR-25970 apk Moon's Spaceship, Dee 43p
VTR-25974 ak Lulla-Bye's Pink Slip, Dee 35p
VTR-25004 bc Kielahovin Kapteeni Amerikka, Minni 32p
VTR-26083 il Sólarljós frá Skuggimáni, Dee 18p
Duck OTD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25162 bc Vilinän Ohikiitävää, Minni 88p
VTR-26083 il Sólarljós frá Skuggimáni, Dee 81p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25970 apk Moon's Spaceship, Dee 61p
VTR-25978 bc 10th Tranquil Madness in the Shadows, Dee 61p
VTR-25974 ak Lulla-Bye's Pink Slip, Dee 43p
VTR-25980 br Joystorm Ulma Ulana, Dee 23p
VTR-25845 il Hallatarun Tähkäkello, Dee 19p
VTR-26085 il Salamakasteen Ruskosammakko, Dee 18p
VTR-25999 apk Kuumyytin Riittääkö Armosi Halki Tän Suon?, Dee 7p
VTR-25004 bc Kielahovin Kapteeni Amerikka, Minni 5p
VTR-23169 bc Guthrun Kenaji Fjords, Minni 5p
Duck ATD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25874 bc 10th Tranquil Broken His Cage, Threw Out the Key, Dee 82p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25703 bc 10th Tranquil Like I'm Some Kind of Batman, Dee 68p
VTR-25948 ak Caan Timebomb, Dee 64p
VTR-25971 apk Sademetsän Aavehaave, Dee 54p
VTR-25592 bc 10th Tranquil I'll Stand Beneath the Sun, Dee 25p
Duck ATD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25874 bc 10th Tranquil Broken His Cage, Threw Out the Key, Dee 84p
VTR-25948 ak Caan Timebomb, Dee 76p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25592 bc 10th Tranquil I'll Stand Beneath the Sun, Dee 37p
VTR-25971 apk Sademetsän Aavehaave, Dee 24p
VTR-25703 bc 10th Tranquil Like I'm Some Kind of Batman, Dee 1p
Sheep STD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25999 apk Kuumyytin Riittääkö Armosi Halki Tän Suon?, Dee 94p
VTR-26069 apk Kuumyytin Siksi Juoksen Pakenen, Dee 90p
VTR-26338 apk Kuumyytin Höyhen Joka Lensi Tuulessa, Dee 77p
VTR-25344 bc Guthrun Twenty One Codes, Minni 76p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26090 apk Standby's Quest For Fire, Dee 48p
VTR-26329 ak Wherewithal Lethal Love, Dee 48p
VTR-26119 il Geyserblaze's Meteor Shard, Dee 38p
VTR-26123 il Viva La Snugglebug, Dee 28p
VTR-26319 apk Baylinos Gerald Morris, Dee 26p
VTR-25949 ak Ziggyzag Rain Or Shine, Dee 10p
VTR-25340 apk Crowdon Ask The Task, Tyler 8p
Sheep STD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-26319 apk Baylinos Gerald Morris, Dee 90p
VTR-25999 apk Kuumyytin Riittääkö Armosi Halki Tän Suon?, Dee 90p
VTR-25949 ak Ziggyzag Rain Or Shine, Dee 77p
VTR-26329 ak Wherewithal Lethal Love, Dee 73p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26090 apk Standby's Quest For Fire, Dee 64p
VTR-26119 il Geyserblaze's Meteor Shard, Dee 58p
VTR-26123 il Viva La Snugglebug, Dee 39p
VTR-25340 apk Crowdon Ask The Task, Tyler 37p
VTR-26338 apk Kuumyytin Höyhen Joka Lensi Tuulessa, Dee 32p
VTR-26069 apk Kuumyytin Siksi Juoksen Pakenen, Dee 14p
VTR-25344 bc Guthrun Twenty One Codes, Minni 10p
Sheep OTD C
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 89p
VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee 82p
VTR-25978 bc 10th Tranquil Madness in the Shadows, Dee 78p
VTR-25980 br Joystorm Ulma Ulana, Dee 73p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26083 il Sólarljós frá Skuggimáni, Dee 44p
VTR-25948 ak Caan Timebomb, Dee 21p
VTR-26085 il Salamakasteen Ruskosammakko, Dee 20p
Sheep OTD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee 96p
VTR-25980 br Joystorm Ulma Ulana, Dee 92p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26066 ak 10th Tranquil Hits Right in the Feels, Dee 62p
VTR-25948 ak Caan Timebomb, Dee 54p
VTR-26085 il Salamakasteen Ruskosammakko, Dee 45p
VTR-26083 il Sólarljós frá Skuggimáni, Dee 39p
VTR-25978 bc 10th Tranquil Madness in the Shadows, Dee 32p
Sheep ATD C
leg, 100-70p.
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-25874 bc 10th Tranquil Broken His Cage, Threw Out the Key, Dee 63p
VTR-26022 bc Guthrun Geminiraptor, Dee 59p
VTR-25974 ak Lulla-Bye's Pink Slip, Dee 54p
VTR-25665 bc Vilinän Miljoonakello, Dee 53p
VTR-25845 il Hallatarun Tähkäkello, Dee 48p
VTR-25703 bc 10th Tranquil Like I'm Some Kind of Batman, Dee 26p
VTR-25971 apk Sademetsän Aavehaave, Dee 15p
Sheep ATD D
leg, 100-70p.
VTR-25703 bc 10th Tranquil Like I'm Some Kind of Batman, Dee 73p
hylätty, alle 70p.
VTR-26022 bc Guthrun Geminiraptor, Dee 60p
VTR-25971 apk Sademetsän Aavehaave, Dee 55p
VTR-25665 bc Vilinän Miljoonakello, Dee 34p
VTR-25974 ak Lulla-Bye's Pink Slip, Dee 19p
VTR-25874 bc 10th Tranquil Broken His Cage, Threw Out the Key, Dee 8p
VTR-25845 il Hallatarun Tähkäkello, Dee 4p