1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-25285 espvin Hippulat Vinkuen Sammakonkello, Nessu 100p
VTR-24890 apk Vilinän Varjo Vaaran Näyttää, Nessu 98p
VTR-25309 bpt Foxphoria Once In a Blue Moon, Dee 98p
VTR-25692 alamal Kalmakeijun Lago Lemek, Salama 93p
VTR-25596 apk Kuumyytin Syvällä Mielessä Mulla On Varjoja, Salama 92p
VTR-25669 vp Rapsuväen Energinen Elohopea, Salama 91p
VTR-25592 bc 10th Tranquil I'll Stand Beneath the Sun, Dee 90p
2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-25601 bc Everwild Storm Tracker, Vilppu 89p
VTR-24875 bc 10th Tranquil We're All Asleep, Pika 87p
VTR-25367 nsn Duckstruck's Sandplay Therapy, Dee 87p
VTR-24727 bc Incide Aika Virtaa Kauemmas, Pika 85p
VTR-23641 akita Inochi no Akari from Mono no Aware, Nessu 81p
3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-25353 clk Gloomkiller Not Dead Yet, Dee 78p
VTR-24661 bc Marleigh Hissa, Pika 74p
VTR-25392 skn Double Play with Black Eye Galaxy, Nessu 72p
VTR-25366 cpk Joystorm Malte Manitou, Dee 71p
VTR-25561 lb Passato Oscuro á la Timido, Nessu 68p
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba 66p
VTR-25655 bpg Verdi Cries with Cannibal Kids, Dee 65p
VTR-25490 kn Solmusielun Kuningas Ylitse Kaikkien Kuninkaiden, Dee 61p
0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-25276 siphus Kalmakeijun Kara Kárral, Dee 56p
VTR-25326 bpg Solmusielun Eikä Mul Oo Aikaa Surra, Nessu 55p
VTR-24749 nsn Tuurilla Maaginen, Nessu 50p
VTR-25212 bc 10th Tranquil I Got Skills Woohoo, Dee 47p
VTR-25571 kn Bit Like Can’t Buy Love, Vilppu 46p
VTR-25474 clk Wiin Lumottu Kirstu, Salama 45p
VTR-25449 engspa Lacuna's Neon Navajo, Dee 40p
VTR-25515 lpk Dear’ri Mávrres, Salama 40p
1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-25490 kn Solmusielun Kuningas Ylitse Kaikkien Kuninkaiden, Dee 98p
VTR-25561 lb Passato Oscuro á la Timido, Nessu 97p
VTR-25353 clk Gloomkiller Not Dead Yet, Dee 94p
VTR-25571 kn Bit Like Can’t Buy Love, Vilppu 92p
VTR-25326 bpg Solmusielun Eikä Mul Oo Aikaa Surra, Nessu 90p
2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-25596 apk Kuumyytin Syvällä Mielessä Mulla On Varjoja, Salama 87p
VTR-24661 bc Marleigh Hissa, Pika 86p
VTR-24727 bc Incide Aika Virtaa Kauemmas, Pika 86p
VTR-24890 apk Vilinän Varjo Vaaran Näyttää, Nessu 81p
VTR-25655 bpg Verdi Cries with Cannibal Kids, Dee 80p
3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-25669 vp Rapsuväen Energinen Elohopea, Salama 70p
VTR-25592 bc 10th Tranquil I'll Stand Beneath the Sun, Dee 68p
VTR-25601 bc Everwild Storm Tracker, Vilppu 68p
VTR-25285 espvin Hippulat Vinkuen Sammakonkello, Nessu 64p
VTR-25367 nsn Duckstruck's Sandplay Therapy, Dee 64p
VTR-25309 bpt Foxphoria Once In a Blue Moon, Dee 62p
VTR-25515 lpk Dear’ri Mávrres, Salama 61p
0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-25692 alamal Kalmakeijun Lago Lemek, Salama 59p
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba 59p
VTR-25474 clk Wiin Lumottu Kirstu, Salama 58p
VTR-25366 cpk Joystorm Malte Manitou, Dee 58p
VTR-24749 nsn Tuurilla Maaginen, Nessu 57p
VTR-24875 bc 10th Tranquil We're All Asleep, Pika 55p
VTR-25392 skn Double Play with Black Eye Galaxy, Nessu 55p
VTR-25212 bc 10th Tranquil I Got Skills Woohoo, Dee 53p
VTR-25276 siphus Kalmakeijun Kara Kárral, Dee 47p
VTR-25449 engspa Lacuna's Neon Navajo, Dee 46p
VTR-23641 akita Inochi no Akari from Mono no Aware, Nessu 45p
1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-21193 bpt Nandyhill Baa-hind The Scenes, Dee 99p
VTR-23079 slk Hallatarun Kaamakettu, Dee 97p
VTR-24833 tandog Multicolored 4-Leaf Clovers, Nessu 94p
VTR-25492 clk Sotasielun Pikkunahkiainen, Salama 91p
2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-25347 clk Sotasielun Eurajoki, Salama 89p
VTR-24663 bc Trivestrea Voyant, Pika 89p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 88p
VTR-25597 apk Kuumyytin Katson Silmiin Ja Käännyn Pois, Vilppu 88p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 87p
VTR-24212 cpk Magnild Noss, Nessu 86p
VTR-25230 slk Hallatarun Käärmemänty, Nessu 86p
VTR-25380 clk Sotasielun Ankerias, Salama 85p
VTR-24874 bc 10th Tranquil Forgot the Responsibility That Comes Along, Pika 83p
VTR-25478 evkpk Sotasielun Äkkilähtö Äärettömään, Salama 82p
VTR-21158 sp Wibbletron Mushroom Menace, Dee 81p
3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-25161 bc Vilinän Juppihippipunkkari, Vilppu 79p
VTR-23829 siphus Kalmakeijun Gust Gáddjá, Dee 78p
VTR-22851 tandog Hanka’s Night Hawk, suba 77p
VTR-22937 bpg Living Story with Cannibal Kids, Dee 75p
VTR-24677 tandog Hulvaton Dopamiini, Nessu 72p
VTR-25282 kn Double Play with Brassius, Nessu 70p
VTR-22710 clk Valhallan Baby Shark, suba 68p
VTR-25444 apk Foxphoria Queensberry Rules, Vilppu 68p
VTR-24832 tandog Kumaren Told You So, Nessu 68p
VTR-25330 clk Sotasielun Kalatiira, Salama 67p
VTR-25460 apk Maytac Cobweb, Salama 67p
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba 66p
VTR-20393 bpg Karmivan Summamutikka, Pika 63p
VTR-22965 cpk Valhallan Earthquake, suba 61p
VTR-24660 bc Hyperactive! Pendolino, Pika 60p
VTR-23473 bc Incide Tuli Kaapista Karhu, Dee 60p
0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-22765 kn Duckstruck's Alces Alces, Nessu 59p
VTR-19354 nsn Kupariketun Merkillinen Mies, Salama 59p
VTR-24662 bc Porupaaden Nuuve, Pika 57p
VTR-22852 tandog Arante Duchess, suba 55p
VTR-23164 bpt Solmusielun Sopivasti Solmussa, Dee 52p
VTR-23057 lb Owl Eye's Catena, suba 52p
VTR-25594 bc 10th Tranquil Here Comes the Rain, Vilppu 51p
VTR-25626 clk Sotasielun Ruutana, Salama 49p
VTR-25393 skn Double Play with Backward Galaxy, Salama 49p
VTR-23952 siphus Icedesign Hot Chocolate, Dee 49p
VTR-22721 pandas Hinterland Bischofswerda, Dee 48p
VTR-25070 kn Duckstruck's For the Dancing and Dreaming, Nessu 46p
VTR-23437 slk Nuotiopusun Umpihanki, Dee 44p
VTR-25396 clk Sotasielun Liejutokko, Salama 43p
VTR-25268 bpt Kuparipulverin Feenikslintu Paljastuu, Nessu 42p
VTR-24834 tandog Killerblades Wyatt Wolfgang, Nessu 41p
VTR-22912 lb Valhallan Chasing Shadows, suba 41p
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba 40p
VTR-24080 vp Solmusielun Melun Alle Jääneen, Pika 40p
1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-25070 kn Duckstruck's For the Dancing and Dreaming, Nessu 97p
VTR-25282 kn Double Play with Brassius, Nessu 96p
VTR-21158 sp Wibbletron Mushroom Menace, Dee 95p
VTR-22937 bpg Living Story with Cannibal Kids, Dee 95p
VTR-22721 pandas Hinterland Bischofswerda, Dee 94p
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba 91p
2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-25230 slk Hallatarun Käärmemänty, Nessu 89p
VTR-23829 siphus Kalmakeijun Gust Gáddjá, Dee 87p
VTR-22912 lb Valhallan Chasing Shadows, suba 82p
VTR-23473 bc Incide Tuli Kaapista Karhu, Dee 82p
VTR-23079 slk Hallatarun Kaamakettu, Dee 81p
VTR-24212 cpk Magnild Noss, Nessu 80p
3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-24874 bc 10th Tranquil Forgot the Responsibility That Comes Along, Pika 79p
VTR-21193 bpt Nandyhill Baa-hind The Scenes, Dee 79p
VTR-22838 tandog Goldane’s Elaine, suba 79p
VTR-22710 clk Valhallan Baby Shark, suba 78p
VTR-25478 evkpk Sotasielun Äkkilähtö Äärettömään, Salama 77p
VTR-25460 apk Maytac Cobweb, Salama 76p
VTR-25597 apk Kuumyytin Katson Silmiin Ja Käännyn Pois, Vilppu 76p
VTR-24663 bc Trivestrea Voyant, Pika 73p
VTR-25396 clk Sotasielun Liejutokko, Salama 72p
VTR-24677 tandog Hulvaton Dopamiini, Nessu 71p
VTR-20393 bpg Karmivan Summamutikka, Pika 70p
VTR-19354 nsn Kupariketun Merkillinen Mies, Salama 70p
VTR-24080 vp Solmusielun Melun Alle Jääneen, Pika 69p
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba 69p
VTR-25380 clk Sotasielun Ankerias, Salama 69p
VTR-23057 lb Owl Eye's Catena, suba 66p
VTR-24832 tandog Kumaren Told You So, Nessu 66p
VTR-25347 clk Sotasielun Eurajoki, Salama 65p
VTR-25330 clk Sotasielun Kalatiira, Salama 64p
VTR-23952 siphus Icedesign Hot Chocolate, Dee 60p
VTR-25444 apk Foxphoria Queensberry Rules, Vilppu 60p
0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-22852 tandog Arante Duchess, suba 58p
VTR-22765 kn Duckstruck's Alces Alces, Nessu 57p
VTR-23437 slk Nuotiopusun Umpihanki, Dee 56p
VTR-24833 tandog Multicolored 4-Leaf Clovers, Nessu 56p
VTR-25492 clk Sotasielun Pikkunahkiainen, Salama 55p
VTR-24834 tandog Killerblades Wyatt Wolfgang, Nessu 51p
VTR-24660 bc Hyperactive! Pendolino, Pika 51p
VTR-25626 clk Sotasielun Ruutana, Salama 50p
VTR-22850 tandog Milier Upsy Daisy, suba 50p
VTR-23164 bpt Solmusielun Sopivasti Solmussa, Dee 50p
VTR-22965 cpk Valhallan Earthquake, suba 48p
VTR-25161 bc Vilinän Juppihippipunkkari, Vilppu 47p
VTR-25594 bc 10th Tranquil Here Comes the Rain, Vilppu 45p
VTR-22851 tandog Hanka’s Night Hawk, suba 44p
VTR-25268 bpt Kuparipulverin Feenikslintu Paljastuu, Nessu 44p
VTR-24662 bc Porupaaden Nuuve, Pika 41p
VTR-25393 skn Double Play with Backward Galaxy, Salama 40p
1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-23678 clk Joystorm False Apollo, Dee 100p
VTR-24856 slk Hallatarun Metsäsusi, Salama 99p
VTR-22544 clk Tupenrapinan Turkinpippuri, suba 99p
VTR-22347 tandog Semana’s Butterfly Effect, suba 98p
VTR-24113 kn Owl Eye's Echoism, Nessu 96p
VTR-25105 evkpk Constanca Mafalda, Salama 96p
VTR-24282 nsn Unimaan Bamboozling in Buckeye, Nessu 94p
VTR-23943 bpg Gloomy Pioneer's Like A Hurricane, Nessu 93p
VTR-25372 bpt Solmusielun Mä Tykkään Susta Liian Paljon, Salama 90p
VTR-25145 skn Duckstruck’s Dendermond Duck, Salama 90p
2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-22904 kn Owl Eye's Bumptious, Dee 88p
VTR-24063 whippe Elysian Joyride, Nessu 82p
VTR-25196 sp Solmusielun Ei Ulospäin Nää Mitä Sisäl Riehuu, Salama 80p
3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-22854 tandog Illuminata Euforia, suba 74p
VTR-25227 clk Joystorm Havex Harlekin, Salama 73p
VTR-23245 cpk Joystorm Quack Quacks, Dee 73p
VTR-24249 tandog Hulvaton Banaani Barbaari, Nessu 71p
VTR-24233 kn Halluharjan Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffin, Nessu 71p
VTR-23958 bpt Ringed Map Turtle with Cannibal Kids, Pika 67p
VTR-24117 il Kaamossielun Sora, Nessu 65p
VTR-23631 lpk Aavan Meren Vallankumous, Dee 64p
VTR-20396 tandog PP's Augusta, Nessu 62p
VTR-24167 lpk Roudanlujan Noitarumpu, Nessu 62p
VTR-25039 apk Solmusielun Halusin Olla Ku Se Ilta, Dee 61p
VTR-22853 tandog Caviar Lennox, suba 60p
0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba 59p
VTR-23019 clk Sotasielun Prangli, Dee 57p
VTR-21426 bpg Karmivan Punaiset Marjat, Dee 52p
VTR-23832 skn Double Play with Mantas, Dee 51p
VTR-24201 hlk Jeroen van de Dienaar, Nessu 48p
VTR-25324 clk Sotasielun Aurinkoahven, Salama 47p
VTR-25042 clk Sotasielun Luotokirvinen, Salama 47p
VTR-22813 slk Sumuisten Vuorten Tulikivenkatku, Dee 47p
VTR-24578 apk Solmusielun Armoa Ei Anneta Halvalla, Salama 45p
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba 45p
VTR-24870 clk Sotasielun Käpytikka, Salama 45p
VTR-22768 sp Hinterland Crimmitschau, Dee 42p
VTR-17153 tandog Tempe’s Maine, suba 40p
1-tulos, 100-90p.
VTR-23245 cpk Joystorm Quack Quacks, Dee 99p
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba 99p
VTR-25042 clk Sotasielun Luotokirvinen, Salama 99p
VTR-17153 tandog Tempe’s Maine, suba 97p
VTR-24113 kn Owl Eye's Echoism, Nessu 95p
VTR-25227 clk Joystorm Havex Harlekin, Salama 94p
VTR-23958 bpt Ringed Map Turtle with Cannibal Kids, Pika 93p
VTR-25145 skn Duckstruck’s Dendermond Duck, Salama 93p
VTR-24063 whippe Elysian Joyride, Nessu 91p
VTR-24578 apk Solmusielun Armoa Ei Anneta Halvalla, Salama 91p
VTR-22904 kn Owl Eye's Bumptious, Dee 91p
2-tulos, 89-80p.
VTR-23019 clk Sotasielun Prangli, Dee 81p
3-tulos, 79-60p.
VTR-22853 tandog Caviar Lennox, suba 79p
VTR-22544 clk Tupenrapinan Turkinpippuri, suba 78p
VTR-22813 slk Sumuisten Vuorten Tulikivenkatku, Dee 77p
VTR-23832 skn Double Play with Mantas, Dee 74p
VTR-24249 tandog Hulvaton Banaani Barbaari, Nessu 72p
VTR-24117 il Kaamossielun Sora, Nessu 71p
VTR-25196 sp Solmusielun Ei Ulospäin Nää Mitä Sisäl Riehuu, Salama 71p
VTR-21426 bpg Karmivan Punaiset Marjat, Dee 66p
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba 66p
VTR-25372 bpt Solmusielun Mä Tykkään Susta Liian Paljon, Salama 62p
VTR-22768 sp Hinterland Crimmitschau, Dee 62p
0-tulos, alle 60p.
VTR-24233 kn Halluharjan Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffin, Nessu 59p
VTR-25039 apk Solmusielun Halusin Olla Ku Se Ilta, Dee 59p
VTR-23943 bpg Gloomy Pioneer's Like A Hurricane, Nessu 57p
VTR-24870 clk Sotasielun Käpytikka, Salama 56p
VTR-24856 slk Hallatarun Metsäsusi, Salama 54p
VTR-23631 lpk Aavan Meren Vallankumous, Dee 53p
VTR-24201 hlk Jeroen van de Dienaar, Nessu 52p
VTR-24167 lpk Roudanlujan Noitarumpu, Nessu 51p
VTR-22347 tandog Semana’s Butterfly Effect, suba 50p
VTR-22854 tandog Illuminata Euforia, suba 50p
VTR-20396 tandog PP's Augusta, Nessu 49p
VTR-25324 clk Sotasielun Aurinkoahven, Salama 49p
VTR-25105 evkpk Constanca Mafalda, Salama 47p
VTR-23678 clk Joystorm False Apollo, Dee 43p
VTR-24282 nsn Unimaan Bamboozling in Buckeye, Nessu 43p