
Pelastuskoe 22. kesäkuuta 2022!





VPEY Foxphoria 22.6.2022 21.6.2022





Dee kaikki x2 rajaton 10 koiraa / ohjaaja / luokka

Ilmoittautua voit sähköpostiin otsikolla PEK30. Muistathan täyttää ilmoittautumislomakkeesta CAPS LOCKILLA kirjoitetut kohdat ja koiran rekisterinumero! Käytä samaa otsikkoa samaan luokkaan tuleville koirille ja huolehdi, että lainausmerkit ovat oikeat, jotta linkki toimii.

LUOKKA (rivinvaihto)

Korjaukset aiemmin tehtyihin ilmoittautumisiin voit laittaa samaan sähköpostiosoitteeseen otsikolla PEK30 korjaus. Onnea kilpailuun!


hyväksytty, 200-100p.
VTR-23980 bpt Solmusielun Se Viljat Viiltää, Nessu 158p
VTR-23884 ak Standby's Koondrook's Kuparr, Deneo 116p
VTR-24031 sp Bokaro of Narvik, Vilppu 106p

hylätty, alle 100p.
VTR-23818 ak 10th Tranquil Fighting My Demons, Deneo 94p
VTR-24079 vp Solmusielun Jos Sä Kuulet Mun Huudon, Varjo 86p
VTR-23887 d Ritari Tässä, Deneo 83p
VTR-24032 sp Basrah of Narvik, Crissu 72p
VTR-24039 bpt Rapsuväen Arjen Avainluvut, Deneo 48p
VTR-23671 kn Fradidas Treppenwitz, Olga 42p
VTR-23833 afgaan Dracojordan Mythichamilton, Crissu 21p


hyväksytty, 200-100p.
VTR-23887 d Ritari Tässä, Deneo 191p
VTR-24031 sp Bokaro of Narvik, Vilppu 163p
VTR-23818 ak 10th Tranquil Fighting My Demons, Deneo 102p

hylätty, alle 100p.
VTR-23884 ak Standby's Koondrook's Kuparr, Deneo 82p
VTR-24032 sp Basrah of Narvik, Crissu 68p
VTR-23833 afgaan Dracojordan Mythichamilton, Crissu 54p
VTR-23671 kn Fradidas Treppenwitz, Olga 46p
VTR-24079 vp Solmusielun Jos Sä Kuulet Mun Huudon, Varjo 18p
VTR-23980 bpt Solmusielun Se Viljat Viiltää, Nessu 14p
VTR-24039 bpt Rapsuväen Arjen Avainluvut, Deneo 4p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-22909 skn Lättänän Fiilikset Hukassa, Olga 292p
VTR-24019 siphus Kalmakeijun Hula Hugo, Dee 290p
VTR-23886 d Stürmische Fredericka, Deneo 283p
VTR-23805 siphus Rapsuväki, Deneo 273p
VTR-23954 siphus Drippy Trippy Midnight Sun, Dee 271p
VTR-22906 kn Owl Eye's Biopic, Olga 264p
VTR-24002 sp Clearest Blue, Varjo 263p
VTR-23623 shelam Hollow Knight by Endless Elegy, Dee 244p
VTR-23683 clk Joystorm Lofty Bath White, Crissu 243p
VTR-23944 bpt Tuskavierämän Ruusut Ympärillemme Punoutuvat, Nessu 243p
VTR-23999 sp Heartbreak Prince, Varjo 233p
VTR-24003 sp Love Is Love Is Love, Varjo 232p
VTR-24025 bpg Karmivan Boone, Deneo 223p
VTR-22863 lb Vainquer Ceres, Olga 220p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-24000 sp No Body No Crime, Varjo 195p
VTR-24036 bpg Foxphoria Elvis Has Left the Building, Nessu 162p
VTR-23060 lb Owl Eye's Dowitcher, Olga 143p
VTR-22120 walspa Tuurilla Freesi, Deneo 142p
VTR-23803 siphus Rapsupoliisi, Deneo 140p
VTR-23695 shelam Garden Grove Spin from Indigo Land, Dee 136p
VTR-23925 clk Hyacinth Moor’s Matthew, Salama 121p
VTR-23760 clk Sotasielun Aakkosjekku, Salama 116p
VTR-23994 shelam This April Fools The Turns Have Tabled, Dee 104p
VTR-23108 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chinook, Dee 89p
VTR-24049 shelam Luminous Lagoon from Indigo Land, Dee 72p
VTR-23806 siphus Dragonyard Cikuq, Deneo 66p
VTR-23091 skn Double Play with Fuscus, Olga 58p
VTR-23965 bc Vilinän Tiikerin Päiväuni, Dee 58p
VTR-21696 pirset Red Flare's Broadway, Deneo 45p
VTR-20374 kn Owl Eye's Kawakawa Looper, Olga 37p
VTR-23987 shelam Enigmatic Riddle from Indigo Land, Dee 26p
VTR-23935 shiba Boisu Memo from Mono no Aware, Salama 11p
VTR-15202 apk July's The First Girl, Dee 6p
VTR-23728 bpm Solmusielun Niin Jäimme Vangeiksi, Deneo 3p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-22909 skn Lättänän Fiilikset Hukassa, Olga 272p
VTR-21696 pirset Red Flare's Broadway, Deneo 272p
VTR-23728 bpm Solmusielun Niin Jäimme Vangeiksi, Deneo 270p
VTR-23760 clk Sotasielun Aakkosjekku, Salama 269p
VTR-23683 clk Joystorm Lofty Bath White, Crissu 253p
VTR-23091 skn Double Play with Fuscus, Olga 244p
VTR-23954 siphus Drippy Trippy Midnight Sun, Dee 233p
VTR-23886 d Stürmische Fredericka, Deneo 214p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-24019 siphus Kalmakeijun Hula Hugo, Dee 193p
VTR-24025 bpg Karmivan Boone, Deneo 192p
VTR-24002 sp Clearest Blue, Varjo 186p
VTR-23060 lb Owl Eye's Dowitcher, Olga 181p
VTR-24000 sp No Body No Crime, Varjo 170p
VTR-23994 shelam This April Fools The Turns Have Tabled, Dee 168p
VTR-15202 apk July's The First Girl, Dee 153p
VTR-23803 siphus Rapsupoliisi, Deneo 151p
VTR-23623 shelam Hollow Knight by Endless Elegy, Dee 143p
VTR-24003 sp Love Is Love Is Love, Varjo 127p
VTR-23987 shelam Enigmatic Riddle from Indigo Land, Dee 112p
VTR-22863 lb Vainquer Ceres, Olga 110p
VTR-20374 kn Owl Eye's Kawakawa Looper, Olga 100p
VTR-23999 sp Heartbreak Prince, Varjo 94p
VTR-22906 kn Owl Eye's Biopic, Olga 92p
VTR-22120 walspa Tuurilla Freesi, Deneo 82p
VTR-23695 shelam Garden Grove Spin from Indigo Land, Dee 78p
VTR-23805 siphus Rapsuväki, Deneo 73p
VTR-24049 shelam Luminous Lagoon from Indigo Land, Dee 72p
VTR-23935 shiba Boisu Memo from Mono no Aware, Salama 69p
VTR-23108 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chinook, Dee 62p
VTR-23965 bc Vilinän Tiikerin Päiväuni, Dee 57p
VTR-23806 siphus Dragonyard Cikuq, Deneo 54p
VTR-23925 clk Hyacinth Moor’s Matthew, Salama 32p
VTR-23944 bpt Tuskavierämän Ruusut Ympärillemme Punoutuvat, Nessu 29p
VTR-24036 bpg Foxphoria Elvis Has Left the Building, Nessu 18p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-23705 sp Twinkleffiths Helrez Shtiz, Crissu 300p
VTR-23383 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Hienohelma, Nessu 295p
VTR-23993 shelam Majore's Just Because, Dee 293p
VTR-22986 clk Sotasielun Batumi, Dee 290p
VTR-24004 vp To The Moon And Back, Varjo 271p
VTR-21902 siphus Dragonyard Buniq, Deneo 267p
VTR-21837 tandog Goldane's Atlantic Ocean, Nessu 254p
VTR-22064 bpl Standby's Gamin Gaetane, Deneo 252p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu 248p
VTR-22568 kn Relient In Die Nacht, Olga 234p
VTR-22953 venvin Balbus Cevahir Isaque, Crissu 232p
VTR-22763 sp Äcker of Narvik, Crissu 229p
VTR-21592 bc Guthrun Intro, Dee 220p
VTR-23415 bc Incide Jigsaw Jammer, Deneo 216p
VTR-22612 shelam HappyHowl Crazy Corpse, Dee 214p
VTR-23831 skn Double Play with Creepers, Salama 210p
VTR-23336 clk Gloomkiller Jurassic, Dee 205p
VTR-21110 cpk Kernas Nervy Nereid, Nessu 204p
VTR-22979 lb Rahvakkaan Korkealentoinen, Olga 203p
VTR-22602 shelam Sotasielun Biljoona Valopilkkua, Dee 193p
VTR-22900 shelam Casuale Regalo, Dee 176p
VTR-24001 vp What's The Movie For, Varjo 172p
VTR-22898 kkn Widdershins Quire, Olga 169p
VTR-22951 sp Heracles A.W. Hesiod, Crissu 162p
VTR-21609 siphus Navakan Agarita Berry, Deneo 159p
VTR-22978 espvin Demor's Bugs Bunny, Nessu 157p
VTR-22168 rw Rocky Road's Bark Is A Valid Argument, Nessu 149p
VTR-22566 lb Havisham Little Bow Wow, Olga 149p
VTR-23761 clk Sotasielun Aakkoslaulu, Nessu 145p
VTR-23186 venvin Jentacular Winklepicker, Crissu 145p
VTR-21195 clk Standby's Eachan, Deneo 143p
VTR-23492 beagle Zappier Ashen Steep, Dee 136p
VTR-22102 kai Roshima's Suijin, Deneo 134p
VTR-21661 hpk Chaos Lives In Everything, Deneo 132p
VTR-23282 venvin Itäisen Shamaani, Nessu 112p
VTR-23314 bc Vad Milo, Deneo 112p
VTR-23455 rw Camiras Danaus Plexippus, Nessu 109p
VTR-22861 kn Bumbershoot Panjandrum, Olga 106p
VTR-22155 beagle Nakkiveneen Haukkuvaara, Dee 105p
VTR-23871 buh Vilter Viking, Salama 101p
VTR-18949 br Blepicas Campanule Gantelée, Dee 98p
VTR-23496 lanhee Fiddler's Green from Indigo Land, Deneo 95p
VTR-23571 apk Kahlekätköjen Pihkatyttö, Salama 81p
VTR-23152 ivk Moonlit Scarecrow, Nessu 59p
VTR-23612 chp Solmusielun Sokeina Toistaa Lausetta Samaa, Nessu 32p
VTR-22918 lb Valhallan Chital, Olga 16p
VTR-19989 kn Crow's Fest Traffic Control, Olga 13p
VTR-21659 hlk Zeldzaam de Leeuwekoning, Deneo 10p
VTR-23706 sp Egilhard Flip Novak, Crissu 9p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-22102 kai Roshima's Suijin, Deneo 285p
VTR-23993 shelam Majore's Just Because, Dee 269p
VTR-18949 br Blepicas Campanule Gantelée, Dee 264p
VTR-21592 bc Guthrun Intro, Dee 259p
VTR-22953 venvin Balbus Cevahir Isaque, Crissu 254p
VTR-21837 tandog Goldane's Atlantic Ocean, Nessu 253p
VTR-22566 lb Havisham Little Bow Wow, Olga 250p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-23186 venvin Jentacular Winklepicker, Crissu 236p
VTR-23571 apk Kahlekätköjen Pihkatyttö, Salama 234p
VTR-19989 kn Crow's Fest Traffic Control, Olga 230p
VTR-23415 bc Incide Jigsaw Jammer, Deneo 227p
VTR-22568 kn Relient In Die Nacht, Olga 224p
VTR-23706 sp Egilhard Flip Novak, Crissu 218p
VTR-22763 sp Äcker of Narvik, Crissu 214p
VTR-22898 kkn Widdershins Quire, Olga 210p
VTR-21110 cpk Kernas Nervy Nereid, Nessu 203p
VTR-23507 venvin Stepmaker's Hadden Fleming, Crissu 202p
VTR-23705 sp Twinkleffiths Helrez Shtiz, Crissu 195p
VTR-21659 hlk Zeldzaam de Leeuwekoning, Deneo 195p
VTR-23492 beagle Zappier Ashen Steep, Dee 178p
VTR-23455 rw Camiras Danaus Plexippus, Nessu 176p
VTR-23336 clk Gloomkiller Jurassic, Dee 166p
VTR-21661 hpk Chaos Lives In Everything, Deneo 161p
VTR-23152 ivk Moonlit Scarecrow, Nessu 158p
VTR-22900 shelam Casuale Regalo, Dee 155p
VTR-23282 venvin Itäisen Shamaani, Nessu 132p
VTR-22861 kn Bumbershoot Panjandrum, Olga 128p
VTR-22155 beagle Nakkiveneen Haukkuvaara, Dee 108p
VTR-21609 siphus Navakan Agarita Berry, Deneo 104p
VTR-22978 espvin Demor's Bugs Bunny, Nessu 101p
VTR-24004 vp To The Moon And Back, Varjo 91p
VTR-23761 clk Sotasielun Aakkoslaulu, Nessu 81p
VTR-22602 shelam Sotasielun Biljoona Valopilkkua, Dee 70p
VTR-22979 lb Rahvakkaan Korkealentoinen, Olga 61p
VTR-22064 bpl Standby's Gamin Gaetane, Deneo 57p
VTR-23612 chp Solmusielun Sokeina Toistaa Lausetta Samaa, Nessu 57p
VTR-22986 clk Sotasielun Batumi, Dee 48p
VTR-22918 lb Valhallan Chital, Olga 46p
VTR-21902 siphus Dragonyard Buniq, Deneo 38p
VTR-23314 bc Vad Milo, Deneo 37p
VTR-22612 shelam HappyHowl Crazy Corpse, Dee 36p
VTR-21195 clk Standby's Eachan, Deneo 27p
VTR-23871 buh Vilter Viking, Salama 24p
VTR-22168 rw Rocky Road's Bark Is A Valid Argument, Nessu 22p
VTR-22951 sp Heracles A.W. Hesiod, Crissu 22p
VTR-23831 skn Double Play with Creepers, Salama 20p
VTR-23383 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Hienohelma, Nessu 19p
VTR-23496 lanhee Fiddler's Green from Indigo Land, Deneo 9p
VTR-24001 vp What's The Movie For, Varjo 6p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-23930 m Magnild Igorek, Salama 295p
VTR-22930 cpk Joystorm Nanock Nawajo, Dee 290p
VTR-22794 lb Noetikon Elonroihu, Olga 277p
VTR-22037 irlsus Phosphenes Story Horse?, Dee 268p
VTR-17485 bc Joystorm Eulaliopsis, Deneo 249p
VTR-21623 dk Foxford Aisling, Deneo 249p
VTR-17045 nsn Yung-Kam Boom-Boom, Olga 248p
VTR-21109 skn Tuurilla Dorka, Deneo 244p
VTR-21366 bc Joystorm What The Furball, Dee 233p
VTR-22460 whippe Hustle Hug by Wicked Wishes, Dee 214p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-23988 shelam Ambiguous Conundrum from Indigo Land, Salama 185p
VTR-21755 pypp Incide Thecle de la Ronce, Deneo 183p
VTR-22783 kn Duckstruck's Martes Martes, Olga 178p
VTR-23606 clk Sotasielun Arttu Alvar, Salama 176p
VTR-23676 clk Joystorm Plain Tiger, Nessu 172p
VTR-20516 bpt Unlike The Cold Rain of Yesterday with Bad Karma, Nessu 147p
VTR-21720 lpk Dear'ri Sivvne, Deneo 88p
VTR-22923 sp Joystorm Bulbophyllum, Crissu 87p
VTR-23895 akk Profunda Black Wanderer, Nessu 77p
VTR-22018 akk Standby's Finlay, Deneo 73p
VTR-16509 clk Marmoritaivaan Lumikki, Dee 66p
VTR-23836 bpg Tacao Purple with Cannibal Kids, Nessu 65p
VTR-21756 m Whitshade Barracuda, Deneo 64p
VTR-21269 apk Kaukovallan Impulsiivisuus, Dee 63p
VTR-20353 pm Cinderblight Syenite, Deneo 58p
VTR-23531 siphus Navakan Elefantti Huoneessa, Nessu 50p
VTR-19323 skn Viikerin Dallas, Olga 46p
VTR-22567 lb Gumdrop English Curse, Olga 42p
VTR-20793 kn Bossanovan Diibadaaba, Olga 16p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-21756 m Whitshade Barracuda, Deneo 291p
VTR-23606 clk Sotasielun Arttu Alvar, Salama 289p
VTR-23895 akk Profunda Black Wanderer, Nessu 289p
VTR-23676 clk Joystorm Plain Tiger, Nessu 275p
VTR-19323 skn Viikerin Dallas, Olga 267p
VTR-20793 kn Bossanovan Diibadaaba, Olga 267p
VTR-23836 bpg Tacao Purple with Cannibal Kids, Nessu 248p
VTR-20353 pm Cinderblight Syenite, Deneo 241p
VTR-17045 nsn Yung-Kam Boom-Boom, Olga 239p
VTR-22018 akk Standby's Finlay, Deneo 239p
VTR-22794 lb Noetikon Elonroihu, Olga 229p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-22567 lb Gumdrop English Curse, Olga 199p
VTR-22930 cpk Joystorm Nanock Nawajo, Dee 197p
VTR-17485 bc Joystorm Eulaliopsis, Deneo 166p
VTR-22037 irlsus Phosphenes Story Horse?, Dee 161p
VTR-23930 m Magnild Igorek, Salama 138p
VTR-21269 apk Kaukovallan Impulsiivisuus, Dee 124p
VTR-22923 sp Joystorm Bulbophyllum, Crissu 104p
VTR-21109 skn Tuurilla Dorka, Deneo 93p
VTR-20516 bpt Unlike The Cold Rain of Yesterday with Bad Karma, Nessu 93p
VTR-21366 bc Joystorm What The Furball, Dee 87p
VTR-16509 clk Marmoritaivaan Lumikki, Dee 84p
VTR-21720 lpk Dear'ri Sivvne, Deneo 82p
VTR-23988 shelam Ambiguous Conundrum from Indigo Land, Salama 77p
VTR-23531 siphus Navakan Elefantti Huoneessa, Nessu 34p
VTR-21623 dk Foxford Aisling, Deneo 33p
VTR-22460 whippe Hustle Hug by Wicked Wishes, Dee 12p
VTR-22783 kn Duckstruck's Martes Martes, Olga 4p
VTR-21755 pypp Incide Thecle de la Ronce, Deneo 2p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-22550 clk Usvaloitsun Erähenki, Crissu 296p
VTR-21840 shelam Mutton Q's X-cuse My X-cellence, Dee 293p
VTR-21750 engspa Muistikuvan Dolley, Deneo 292p
VTR-22569 kkn Tugnutt Tic Tac Zipper, Olga 283p
VTR-23680 clk Joystorm Eastern Festoon, Nessu 279p
VTR-23721 clk Joystorm Southern Swallowtail, Salama 277p
VTR-23449 tandog MustaValko Mykkäelokuva, Nessu 271p
VTR-22554 sp Noemi d.h. Gunnhildur, Crissu 255p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-20795 skn Äteritsin Ryöväri Rättisitikassa, Olga 240p
VTR-21172 rw Douperks Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Deneo 240p
VTR-21917 stbter Zappier Berry Hill, Dee 237p
VTR-21828 shelam Mutton Q's Why Not Widdershins, Dee 232p
VTR-21280 lb Valhallan Noxious Nirvana, Dee 211p
VTR-23613 chp Solmusielun Turhempaa Ei Oo Olemassakaan, Salama 196p
VTR-23318 sp Kuparipulverin Da-Capo, Nessu 188p
VTR-21593 bc Guthrun Allerginen Valolle, Deneo 185p
VTR-21430 amst Bibo ergo sum buss, Deneo 183p
VTR-23919 bpm Ratsian Paholaisen Pelko, Salama 177p
VTR-21954 shelam Sotasielun Aika Näyttää Mihin Pystyt, Dee 151p
VTR-23182 cpk Jaculation Sacerdotal, Crissu 143p
VTR-23843 clk Sotasielun Aavikkopalo, Salama 129p
VTR-22795 nsn Kummerspeck Ich Liebe Wanderlust, Olga 125p
VTR-21941 whippe Pysäytetyn Hopeareunus, Dee 116p
VTR-22176 shelam Juakaleen Anselmi, Dee 113p
VTR-19045 il For Now I Am Winter, Dee 92p
VTR-21728 clk Joystorm Bischa Billie, Dee 91p
VTR-21531 apk Etelänkelta, Deneo 88p
VTR-23396 espve Pihkovan Cooper, Nessu 87p
VTR-21838 m Dorisz Csinos, Deneo 78p
VTR-20915 lpk Dear'ri Sáráhkká, Dee 51p
VTR-23255 siphus Varjomaailman Irvikissa, Nessu 50p
VTR-21703 bc Incide Egot Hakkaa Toisiaan, Deneo 38p
VTR-23154 kn Mistrzowski's Mily Chlopiec, Nessu 18p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-23182 cpk Jaculation Sacerdotal, Crissu 284p
VTR-21728 clk Joystorm Bischa Billie, Dee 279p
VTR-23396 espve Pihkovan Cooper, Nessu 263p
VTR-20795 skn Äteritsin Ryöväri Rättisitikassa, Olga 263p
VTR-21840 shelam Mutton Q's X-cuse My X-cellence, Dee 250p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-21917 stbter Zappier Berry Hill, Dee 243p
VTR-21280 lb Valhallan Noxious Nirvana, Dee 243p
VTR-21828 shelam Mutton Q's Why Not Widdershins, Dee 228p
VTR-21172 rw Douperks Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Deneo 224p
VTR-23154 kn Mistrzowski's Mily Chlopiec, Nessu 208p
VTR-23255 siphus Varjomaailman Irvikissa, Nessu 203p
VTR-22176 shelam Juakaleen Anselmi, Dee 194p
VTR-22554 sp Noemi d.h. Gunnhildur, Crissu 183p
VTR-22569 kkn Tugnutt Tic Tac Zipper, Olga 178p
VTR-23721 clk Joystorm Southern Swallowtail, Salama 166p
VTR-21750 engspa Muistikuvan Dolley, Deneo 155p
VTR-21430 amst Bibo ergo sum buss, Deneo 153p
VTR-21838 m Dorisz Csinos, Deneo 149p
VTR-23843 clk Sotasielun Aavikkopalo, Salama 134p
VTR-19045 il For Now I Am Winter, Dee 128p
VTR-23449 tandog MustaValko Mykkäelokuva, Nessu 107p
VTR-21941 whippe Pysäytetyn Hopeareunus, Dee 106p
VTR-22550 clk Usvaloitsun Erähenki, Crissu 104p
VTR-21593 bc Guthrun Allerginen Valolle, Deneo 96p
VTR-21531 apk Etelänkelta, Deneo 95p
VTR-23919 bpm Ratsian Paholaisen Pelko, Salama 70p
VTR-22795 nsn Kummerspeck Ich Liebe Wanderlust, Olga 66p
VTR-23318 sp Kuparipulverin Da-Capo, Nessu 48p
VTR-23613 chp Solmusielun Turhempaa Ei Oo Olemassakaan, Salama 18p
VTR-23680 clk Joystorm Eastern Festoon, Nessu 11p
VTR-20915 lpk Dear'ri Sáráhkká, Dee 6p
VTR-21703 bc Incide Egot Hakkaa Toisiaan, Deneo 3p
VTR-21954 shelam Sotasielun Aika Näyttää Mihin Pystyt, Dee 3p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-22950 clk Vellamo, Crissu 298p
VTR-23433 clk Casbash Save Yourself, Salama 297p
VTR-15184 nsn Boogawolf Umgunkafunk, Olga 272p
VTR-23490 clk Joystrom Tesco Theoron, Salama 222p
VTR-21199 m Bartosz Csinos, Deneo 201p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-23478 bc 10th Tranquil I See the Game You Play, Salama 195p
VTR-21641 isl DL Hettumafur, Deneo 190p
VTR-20616 isl No Reason Beyond Infinity, Deneo 178p
VTR-23149 cpk Azure Heart's Sapphire Veil, Crissu 142p
VTR-22552 clk Amorkad Sraosha, Crissu 124p
VTR-22551 cpk Kocsis Ruben, Crissu 115p
VTR-22014 siphus Hallatarun Tupsu, Dee 112p
VTR-21250 bc Incide Faetal Attraction, Deneo 111p
VTR-19322 kn Peikkoyön Piraattiversio, Olga 111p
VTR-20027 py Comme un corbeau blanc, Crissu 103p
VTR-21896 bc Joystorm Chaka Chambo, Dee 99p
VTR-22170 siphus Drippy Trippy Sandstorm, Dee 97p
VTR-23201 shiba Food Before Romance, Nessu 88p
VTR-23766 sp I Took It As a Taunt, Vilppu 83p
VTR-23187 venvin Raconteur Nainsook, Crissu 0p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-23433 clk Casbash Save Yourself, Salama 279p
VTR-21641 isl DL Hettumafur, Deneo 268p
VTR-23149 cpk Azure Heart's Sapphire Veil, Crissu 254p
VTR-22551 cpk Kocsis Ruben, Crissu 225p
VTR-22170 siphus Drippy Trippy Sandstorm, Dee 225p
VTR-19322 kn Peikkoyön Piraattiversio, Olga 216p
VTR-21250 bc Incide Faetal Attraction, Deneo 202p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-23490 clk Joystrom Tesco Theoron, Salama 181p
VTR-23478 bc 10th Tranquil I See the Game You Play, Salama 175p
VTR-20616 isl No Reason Beyond Infinity, Deneo 172p
VTR-20027 py Comme un corbeau blanc, Crissu 158p
VTR-21896 bc Joystorm Chaka Chambo, Dee 154p
VTR-23201 shiba Food Before Romance, Nessu 149p
VTR-22014 siphus Hallatarun Tupsu, Dee 124p
VTR-21199 m Bartosz Csinos, Deneo 121p
VTR-22552 clk Amorkad Sraosha, Crissu 102p
VTR-22950 clk Vellamo, Crissu 86p
VTR-23187 venvin Raconteur Nainsook, Crissu 83p
VTR-23766 sp I Took It As a Taunt, Vilppu 80p
VTR-15184 nsn Boogawolf Umgunkafunk, Olga 71p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-22648 lanhee Mustan Lampaan Aavan Meren Tuolla Puolen, Dee 291p
VTR-23504 cataho Goalkeeper's Biscuit Bank, Nessu 286p
VTR-14108 engspa DL Legend in the Making, Deneo 284p
VTR-22045 venvin Stepmaker's Exquisite Tenderness, Crissu 279p
VTR-21605 slk Kaukovallan Ilomantsi, Dee 274p
VTR-22725 clk Joystorm Kajo Kajetan, Dee 261p
VTR-22814 akk Austlander's Run Like This, Dee 258p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-22372 bpl All-Rounder's Couldn't Expect More, Dee 240p
VTR-23685 clk Joystorm Xerces Blue, Salama 210p
VTR-22272 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Hekla, Crissu 186p
VTR-21253 bc Incide Fae Gone Wild, Dee 183p
VTR-15866 kn Suden Sydämen Rikkinäinen Laulu, Dee 169p
VTR-23518 shelam Feverpitch by Endless Elegy, Salama 168p
VTR-21781 ss Impulziv Alisha, Dee 157p
VTR-22952 sp Dark Void Jirachi, Crissu 152p
VTR-23331 clk Gloomkiller Jittery, Salama 135p
VTR-22160 lb Keijumetsän Kuolainen Kantarelli, Dee 95p
VTR-22150 bpt Hydracutter Wildbloom, Dee 78p
VTR-23371 bpm Farewell I'm the King of the Dead, Nessu 50p
VTR-23029 hpk Golden Cheese Cookie of Aoire, Nessu 30p
VTR-23601 clk Sotasielun Lilja Loviisa, Salama 23p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-21781 ss Impulziv Alisha, Dee 295p
VTR-14108 engspa DL Legend in the Making, Deneo 269p
VTR-23685 clk Joystorm Xerces Blue, Salama 267p
VTR-22952 sp Dark Void Jirachi, Crissu 265p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-22814 akk Austlander's Run Like This, Dee 244p
VTR-22045 venvin Stepmaker's Exquisite Tenderness, Crissu 230p
VTR-22725 clk Joystorm Kajo Kajetan, Dee 227p
VTR-22648 lanhee Mustan Lampaan Aavan Meren Tuolla Puolen, Dee 225p
VTR-23601 clk Sotasielun Lilja Loviisa, Salama 209p
VTR-23518 shelam Feverpitch by Endless Elegy, Salama 208p
VTR-22150 bpt Hydracutter Wildbloom, Dee 206p
VTR-15866 kn Suden Sydämen Rikkinäinen Laulu, Dee 194p
VTR-23371 bpm Farewell I'm the King of the Dead, Nessu 150p
VTR-22272 sp Pimeyteen Kadonnut Hekla, Crissu 149p
VTR-21605 slk Kaukovallan Ilomantsi, Dee 79p
VTR-22372 bpl All-Rounder's Couldn't Expect More, Dee 78p
VTR-23029 hpk Golden Cheese Cookie of Aoire, Nessu 75p
VTR-23504 cataho Goalkeeper's Biscuit Bank, Nessu 50p
VTR-21253 bc Incide Fae Gone Wild, Dee 24p
VTR-22160 lb Keijumetsän Kuolainen Kantarelli, Dee 19p
VTR-23331 clk Gloomkiller Jittery, Salama 19p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-21793 kep DL Zdorovo Romochka, Deneo 293p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-22159 rh Umnyama Ameenah, Dee 198p
VTR-21631 il DL Sendlingur, Dee 175p
VTR-22748 cpk Azure Heart's Black Widow, Dee 69p


hyväksytty, 300-200p.
VTR-21631 il DL Sendlingur, Dee 299p

hylätty, alle 200p.
VTR-22748 cpk Azure Heart's Black Widow, Dee 187p
VTR-22159 rh Umnyama Ameenah, Dee 123p
VTR-21793 kep DL Zdorovo Romochka, Deneo 77p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-21908 shelam Frostbitten with Adalwolves, Dee 259p
VTR-23450 tandog Wichere's Trick or Treat, Nessu 258p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-23237 venvin Hippulat Vinkuen Gambiitti, Nessu 247p
VTR-21940 whippe Whipwin Here To Win, Dee 236p
VTR-23171 slk Kalmakeijun Eska Elbma, Nessu 225p
VTR-22141 skn Lingonberry Lahoneybaloney, Deneo 215p
VTR-21223 jackru Balter The Worst Cacophony, Dee 194p
VTR-22381 shelam Jolana Julča ze Nová Syntéza, Dee 178p
VTR-22589 whippe Elysian Breathtaker, Dee 135p
VTR-23026 kn Kaukovallan Jekaterina, Nessu 132p
VTR-21282 nsn Duckstruck's Psychophysicotherapeutics, Dee 119p
VTR-21636 kn Muistikuvan Aleksandria, Dee 92p
VTR-21833 clk Standby's Eilidh, Crissu 75p
VTR-23284 whippe Kultakuumeen Puolitiessä Helvettiin, Nessu 73p
VTR-22158 rh Ra'Niyah Xalu Zodellin, Dee 62p
VTR-22374 bpm Suojavyöhykkeen Parempi Virsta Väärää, Dee 53p
VTR-21116 bc Joystorm Quarter Past Now, Dee 52p


hyväksytty, 300-250p.
VTR-23237 venvin Hippulat Vinkuen Gambiitti, Nessu 295p
VTR-22141 skn Lingonberry Lahoneybaloney, Deneo 292p

hylätty, alle 250p.
VTR-22374 bpm Suojavyöhykkeen Parempi Virsta Väärää, Dee 223p
VTR-23284 whippe Kultakuumeen Puolitiessä Helvettiin, Nessu 218p
VTR-22158 rh Ra'Niyah Xalu Zodellin, Dee 204p
VTR-21940 whippe Whipwin Here To Win, Dee 200p
VTR-21116 bc Joystorm Quarter Past Now, Dee 179p
VTR-21908 shelam Frostbitten with Adalwolves, Dee 170p
VTR-22381 shelam Jolana Julča ze Nová Syntéza, Dee 156p
VTR-22589 whippe Elysian Breathtaker, Dee 152p
VTR-21223 jackru Balter The Worst Cacophony, Dee 135p
VTR-23171 slk Kalmakeijun Eska Elbma, Nessu 107p
VTR-21636 kn Muistikuvan Aleksandria, Dee 97p
VTR-23450 tandog Wichere's Trick or Treat, Nessu 79p
VTR-21833 clk Standby's Eilidh, Crissu 72p
VTR-23026 kn Kaukovallan Jekaterina, Nessu 62p
VTR-21282 nsn Duckstruck's Psychophysicotherapeutics, Dee 53p

Ulkoasu © Dee
Laekenois © Lakkebo
Tausta © Unsplash
Tekstit © Dee
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Foxphoria is a sim game kennel!
Cannibal Kids
Summer Fling