Osallistut automaattisesti luokkasi molempiin startteihin (A & B).
Mini ALO A
1. VTR-26282 shelam Liolajka's Reverie, Vilppu MEKUMA
2. VTR-25941 schipp Sotasielun Geometrinen Gekko Galaksissa, Salama
3. VTR-26136 jackru Zappier Jelly Fungus, Dee
4. VTR-26072 käävil Lacuna's Quack Quicksilver, Dee
Mini ALO B
1. VTR-26136 jackru Zappier Jelly Fungus, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-26282 shelam Liolajka's Reverie, Vilppu
3. VTR-26072 käävil Lacuna's Quack Quicksilver, Dee
4. VTR-25941 schipp Sotasielun Geometrinen Gekko Galaksissa, Salama
Mini AVO A
1. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
2. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
3. VTR-25760 shelam Into the Forest Serivakka, Salama
Mini AVO B
1. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
2. VTR-25760 shelam Into the Forest Serivakka, Salama
3. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
Mini VOI A
1. VTR-25883 käävil Lacuna's Occasional Onyx, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25361 itavin Elysian Utopia, Dee
3. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
Mini VOI B
1. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
2. VTR-25361 itavin Elysian Utopia, Dee
3. VTR-25883 käävil Lacuna's Occasional Onyx, Dee
Mini VAL A
ei osallistuneita
Mini VAL B
ei osallistuneita
Medi ALO A
1. VTR-26120 il Dagdreymi frá Ráðgáta, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25862 shelam Lustig Ellinor, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-26122 il Marleisyn Wayward Wallaby, Dee MEKUMA
4. VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee
5. VTR-25976 ausmin Kuumyytin Varjot Tummenee, Salama
6. VTR-25747 shelam Look Through My Eyes Serivakka, Dee
7. VTR-25944 cocspa Torpedoer Zero Zone, Dee
8. VTR-26087 il Ofurmáni frá Demantur, Dee
9. VTR-25950 ausmin Roseblood's Can't Nothing Bring Me Down, Dee
10. VTR-25956 cocspa Unspin Coca Cola Candy Cane, Dee
11. VTR-25836 shelam Sotasielun Feikki Frisbee Fantasiassa, Salama
12. VTR-25928 skette Sotasielun Hämärä Hiippari Hajalla, Salama
13. VTR-25762 shelam Sotasielun Dominoiva Drone Diskossa, Salama
14. VTR-26352 shelam Cerulean Frost from Indigo Land, Lianna
15. VTR-25792 buh Enkelimielen Loppu Ei Pelekee Kettää, Dee
Medi ALO B
1. VTR-25862 shelam Lustig Ellinor, Dee (ei tarvitse MEKUMA:aa, siiretty)
2. VTR-25950 ausmin Roseblood's Can't Nothing Bring Me Down, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-25976 ausmin Kuumyytin Varjot Tummenee, Salama MEKUMA
4. VTR-26120 il Dagdreymi frá Ráðgáta, Dee MEKUMA
5. VTR-26122 il Marleisyn Wayward Wallaby, Dee
6. VTR-25747 shelam Look Through My Eyes Serivakka, Dee
7. VTR-26352 shelam Cerulean Frost from Indigo Land, Lianna
8. VTR-25928 skette Sotasielun Hämärä Hiippari Hajalla, Salama
9. VTR-25956 cocspa Unspin Coca Cola Candy Cane, Dee
10. VTR-26086 il Cipherfluff Beaming Belinda, Dee
11. VTR-25762 shelam Sotasielun Dominoiva Drone Diskossa, Salama
12. VTR-26087 il Ofurmáni frá Demantur, Dee
13. VTR-25792 buh Enkelimielen Loppu Ei Pelekee Kettää, Dee
14. VTR-25836 shelam Sotasielun Feikki Frisbee Fantasiassa, Salama
15. VTR-25944 cocspa Torpedoer Zero Zone, Dee
Medi AVO A
1. VTR-25955 stbter Lystigstaff Asløg Asta, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25570 shelam Leafste Freon’s Rewriting History, Salama MEKUMA
3. VTR-25954 stbter Scaglia Åmsele, Dee
4. VTR-25945 cocspa Birdyback One Last Time, Dee
5. VTR-25787 shelam Magnild Velaug, Salama
6. VTR-25780 shelam Utopian Endless Glory of the Rising Sun, Dee
Medi AVO B
1. VTR-25954 stbter Scaglia Åmsele, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25945 cocspa Birdyback One Last Time, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-25780 shelam Utopian Endless Glory of the Rising Sun, Dee
4. VTR-25787 shelam Magnild Velaug, Salama
5. VTR-25570 shelam Leafste Freon’s Rewriting History, Salama
6. VTR-25955 stbter Lystigstaff Asløg Asta, Dee
Medi VOI A
1. VTR-25466 shelam Bubbles from Indigo Land, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25512 ausmin Sondersome's At the Corner of My Life, Dee
3. VTR-25763 shelam Sotasielun Dynastinen Dynamo Diskossa, Dee
4. VTR-25569 shelam Leafste Freon's Cupid Effect, Vilppu
Medi VOI B
1. VTR-25512 ausmin Sondersome's At the Corner of My Life, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25569 shelam Leafste Freon's Cupid Effect, Vilppu
3. VTR-25466 shelam Bubbles from Indigo Land, Dee
4. VTR-25763 shelam Sotasielun Dynastinen Dynamo Diskossa, Dee
Medi VAL A
1. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
2. VTR-24906 shiba Inwind's Fancy the Flames of Love, Dee
3. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
Medi VAL B
1. VTR-24906 shiba Inwind's Fancy the Flames of Love, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
3. VTR-00000 taykoi (VMEL lisätty), evm
Maxi ALO A
1. VTR-26103 clk Ancillary Let’s Have My Story Told, Salama MEKUMA
2. VTR-26158 apk Solmusielun Kuinka Ne On Tässä Oikeessa, Salama MEKUMA
3. VTR-24990 bc 10th Tranquil Taking Off in Time And Space, Dee MEKUMA
4. VTR-26106 apk Asher’s Nikolaus, Salama
5. VTR-25132 akk Hopeatähden Omituisten Otusten Kerho, Dee
6. VTR-26107 apk Winburn’s Blaze, Salama
7. VTR-25321 kn Duckstruck's Legend Has It, Dee
8. VTR-25134 engspa Espoir d'Éphémère, Dee
9. VTR-25122 sp Tulestatemmattu Feenikslintu, Dee
10. VTR-25924 clk Sotasielun Jalohaikara, Salama
11. VTR-25325 clk Sotasielun Isobassi, Dee
12. VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee
13. VTR-25110 skn Malarkey's Crazy For You, Dee
14. VTR-25140 dk Routasielun Suurenmoinen Suorastas, Dee
15. VTR-26132 clk Sotasielun Kuore, Salama
16. VTR-25197 sp Solmusielun Pidän Sut Pinnalla, Dee
Maxi ALO B
1. VTR-25134 engspa Espoir d'Éphémère, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-25140 dk Routasielun Suurenmoinen Suorastas, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-26107 apk Winburn’s Blaze, Salama MEKUMA
4. VTR-26158 apk Solmusielun Kuinka Ne On Tässä Oikeessa, Salama
5. VTR-25132 akk Hopeatähden Omituisten Otusten Kerho, Dee
6. VTR-25924 clk Sotasielun Jalohaikara, Salama
7. VTR-25325 clk Sotasielun Isobassi, Dee
8. VTR-25321 kn Duckstruck's Legend Has It, Dee
9. VTR-26103 clk Ancillary Let’s Have My Story Told, Salama
10. VTR-25197 sp Solmusielun Pidän Sut Pinnalla, Dee
11. VTR-25118 venvin Evenworthy I Travel The World, Dee
12. VTR-25122 sp Tulestatemmattu Feenikslintu, Dee
13. VTR-25110 skn Malarkey's Crazy For You, Dee
14. VTR-24990 bc 10th Tranquil Taking Off in Time And Space, Dee
15. VTR-26132 clk Sotasielun Kuore, Salama
16. VTR-26106 apk Asher’s Nikolaus, Salama
Maxi AVO A
1. VTR-25372 bpt Solmusielun Mä Tykkään Susta Liian Paljon, Salama MEKUMA
2. VTR-24974 clk Joystorm Caja Calibra, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-25463 apk Kel’me Ljudig Flod, Salama MEKUMA
4. VTR-24355 sp Foxphoria Happy Wife Happy Life, Dee
5. VTR-24752 cpk Roseguard's Autumn, Dee
6. VTR-24712 whippe Bloomkin Keep Chasing, Dee
7. VTR-25707 lpk Hallatarun Mökkihöperö, Salama
8. VTR-24132 lpk Mökkitien Arvoituksellinen Avaruus, Dee
9. VTR-25223 siphus Hallatarun Vihma, Salama
10. VTR-25626 clk Sotasielun Ruutana, Salama
11. VTR-25506 apk Crowshield's Field of Balloons, Dee
12. VTR-15476 bpm Maasta Se Malikkakin Ponnistaa, Dee
13. VTR-25520 lpk Rajatapauksen Aavekylä, Salama
14. VTR-25638 clk Sotasielun Imukarppi, Salama
15. VTR-25505 apk Kahlekätköjen Salamasankari, Dee
16. VTR-22768 sp Hinterland Crimmitschau, Dee
17. VTR-24930 bpl Beadurinc Betweox Leode, Dee
Maxi AVO B
1. VTR-25505 apk Kahlekätköjen Salamasankari, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-24930 bpl Beadurinc Betweox Leode, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-25520 lpk Rajatapauksen Aavekylä, Salama MEKUMA
4. VTR-25707 lpk Hallatarun Mökkihöperö, Salama
5. VTR-24752 cpk Roseguard's Autumn, Dee
6. VTR-25626 clk Sotasielun Ruutana, Salama
7. VTR-25372 bpt Solmusielun Mä Tykkään Susta Liian Paljon, Salama
8. VTR-25463 apk Kel’me Ljudig Flod, Salama
9. VTR-24132 lpk Mökkitien Arvoituksellinen Avaruus, Dee
10. VTR-24712 whippe Bloomkin Keep Chasing, Dee
11. VTR-24974 clk Joystorm Caja Calibra, Dee
12. VTR-15476 bpm Maasta Se Malikkakin Ponnistaa, Dee
13. VTR-25506 apk Crowshield's Field of Balloons, Dee
14. VTR-25638 clk Sotasielun Imukarppi, Salama
15. VTR-25223 siphus Hallatarun Vihma, Salama
16. VTR-22768 sp Hinterland Crimmitschau, Dee
17. VTR-24355 sp Foxphoria Happy Wife Happy Life, Dee
Maxi VOI A
1. VTR-24708 kn Zacarías de Trabajo, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-15143 clk Dancing And Screaming, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-22039 irlter Zappier Divil A Bit, Dee
4. VTR-23391 bc Already There with Wonder Borders, Dee
5. VTR-25417 apk Solmusielun Oon Ollu Yksin, Salama
6. VTR-22476 siphus Sleepyhead's Elephant in the Room, Dee
7. VTR-25330 clk Sotasielun Kalatiira, Salama
8. VTR-23030 hpk White Lily Cookie of Aoire, Dee
9. VTR-25471 clk Viheliäisen Nurkkajussi, Salama
10. VTR-23228 cpk Sotasielun Myrskytuuli, Dee
11. VTR-25724 lpk Kuurasielun Ávdnos, Salama
12. VTR-25307 whippe Elysian Somebody, Salama
13. VTR-23678 clk Joystorm False Apollo, Dee
14. VTR-25600 clk Joystorm Qmita Qwinta, Salama
15. VTR-25725 clk Sotasielun Mustakurkku-uikku, Salama
16. VTR-24071 cpk Lehtipolun Loimaankoivu, Dee
17. VTR-23225 clk Sotasielun Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Dee
Maxi VOI B
1. VTR-25471 clk Viheliäisen Nurkkajussi, Salama MEKUMA
2. VTR-22476 siphus Sleepyhead's Elephant in the Room, Dee MEKUMA
3. VTR-25417 apk Solmusielun Oon Ollu Yksin, Salama
4. VTR-23391 bc Already There with Wonder Borders, Dee
5. VTR-24708 kn Zacarías de Trabajo, Dee
6. VTR-25725 clk Sotasielun Mustakurkku-uikku, Salama
7. VTR-15143 clk Dancing And Screaming, Dee
8. VTR-25307 whippe Elysian Somebody, Salama
9. VTR-25330 clk Sotasielun Kalatiira, Salama
10. VTR-23225 clk Sotasielun Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Dee
11. VTR-23228 cpk Sotasielun Myrskytuuli, Dee
12. VTR-22039 irlter Zappier Divil A Bit, Dee
13. VTR-25724 lpk Kuurasielun Ávdnos, Salama
14. VTR-24071 cpk Lehtipolun Loimaankoivu, Dee
15. VTR-23030 hpk White Lily Cookie of Aoire, Dee
16. VTR-25600 clk Joystorm Qmita Qwinta, Salama
17. VTR-23678 clk Joystorm False Apollo, Dee
Maxi VAL A
1. VTR-21206 vehter Valhallan Lyrical Languor, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-22564 skn Sorsasielun Ruisrääkkä, Dee
3. VTR-22117 sp Lunar Ending's Double Dipper, Dee
4. VTR-23477 bc 10th Tranquil Here to Take Away Your Crown, Dee
Maxi VAL B
1. VTR-23477 bc 10th Tranquil Here to Take Away Your Crown, Dee MEKUMA
2. VTR-21206 vehter Valhallan Lyrical Languor, Dee
3. VTR-22564 skn Sorsasielun Ruisrääkkä, Dee
4. VTR-22117 sp Lunar Ending's Double Dipper, Dee