virtuaaliset kultaisetnoutajat ja sileäkarvaiset noutajat

Noutokoe 08.10.2023





VSNJ Duckstruck's 08.10.2023 07.10.2023





Dee kaikki x2 rajaton 10 koiraa / ohjaaja / luokka

Voit osallistua sähköpostiin otsikolla NOU27. Samaan luokkaan osallistuvat saman luokkaotsikon alle, kiitos! Käytäthän osallistuessasi seuraavaa lomaketta:

LUOKKA (rivinvaihto)

Osallistut automaattisesti luokkasi molempiin startteihin (A & B).


hyväksytty, NOU1

hylätty, NOU0
VTR-25675 skn Foozling Sooner Or Greater, Dee
VTR-25674 kkn Mehtämullan Karvanen Tappio, Dee
VTR-25572 kn Bit Like Brain Freeze, Nessu
VTR-25696 skn Wild Waters' Forgotten But Not Gone, Dee
VTR-25562 lb Alkencity Help Me I'm Looking For My Heart Again, Nessu
VTR-25658 lb Valhallan Larger Than Life, suba
VTR-25676 skn Rallatellen Sukkela Silakka, Dee


hyväksytty, NOU1
VTR-25675 skn Foozling Sooner Or Greater, Dee
VTR-25676 skn Rallatellen Sukkela Silakka, Dee

hylätty, NOU0
VTR-25696 skn Wild Waters' Forgotten But Not Gone, Dee
VTR-25674 kkn Mehtämullan Karvanen Tappio, Dee
VTR-25658 lb Valhallan Larger Than Life, suba
VTR-25572 kn Bit Like Brain Freeze, Nessu
VTR-25562 lb Alkencity Help Me I'm Looking For My Heart Again, Nessu


1-tulos, ALO1
VTR-25588 skn Duckstruck's Estaires Duck, Dee
VTR-23537 lb Valhallan Fuzzy Wuzzy, suba
VTR-25321 kn Duckstruck's Legend Has It, Dee
VTR-23087 lb Owl Eye's Dodger, suba
VTR-23483 lb Duckstruck's Paxillus Involutus, suba
VTR-25666 kn Bit Like Lights Out, Dee
VTR-25111 nsn Ankkatarhan Atlasso, Dee

2-tulos, ALO2
VTR-24749 nsn Tuurilla Maaginen, Nessu

3-tulos, ALO3
VTR-25424 skn Solmusielun Saanks Mä Olla Sun Ykkösheppu?, Dee
VTR-25496 kn Solmusielun Lisko Mun Pääni Sisällä On Valtiaskansaa, Salama
VTR-25070 kn Duckstruck's For the Dancing and Dreaming, Nessu

0-tulos, ALO0
VTR-25643 skn Solmusielun Tiesi Jokaisen Valheen, Salama
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba
VTR-24161 kn Zonked Out of My Mind, Nessu


1-tulos, ALO1
VTR-23483 lb Duckstruck's Paxillus Involutus, suba
VTR-25588 skn Duckstruck's Estaires Duck, Dee
VTR-24749 nsn Tuurilla Maaginen, Nessu
VTR-25424 skn Solmusielun Saanks Mä Olla Sun Ykkösheppu?, Dee
VTR-25666 kn Bit Like Lights Out, Dee
VTR-25111 nsn Ankkatarhan Atlasso, Dee

2-tulos, ALO2
VTR-25070 kn Duckstruck's For the Dancing and Dreaming, Nessu
VTR-25643 skn Solmusielun Tiesi Jokaisen Valheen, Salama

3-tulos, ALO3
VTR-24161 kn Zonked Out of My Mind, Nessu
VTR-25321 kn Duckstruck's Legend Has It, Dee
VTR-23537 lb Valhallan Fuzzy Wuzzy, suba

0-tulos, ALO0
VTR-25496 kn Solmusielun Lisko Mun Pääni Sisällä On Valtiaskansaa, Salama
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba
VTR-23087 lb Owl Eye's Dodger, suba


1-tulos, AVO1
VTR-25112 nsn Evenysred Pristine Blizzard, Dee
VTR-25490 kn Solmusielun Kuningas Ylitse Kaikkien Kuninkaiden, Dee

2-tulos, AVO2
VTR-25145 skn Duckstruck’s Dendermond Duck, Salama
VTR-25455 kkn Duckstruck's Artifact of the Gatekeeper, Dee
VTR-25110 skn Malarkey's Crazy For You, Dee
VTR-23906 lb Ducksport's Pretty But Petty, Dee
VTR-11037 nsn Renwa Aberrant Arca, Salama

3-tulos, AVO3
VTR-25323 kn Kaukovallan Leino, Dee
VTR-24473 skn Duckstruck's Common Merganser, Nessu
VTR-25108 skn Black Panther's Silmarillion, Dee
VTR-24924 kkn Forsvarer Draupnir, Salama
VTR-24841 skn Cooldrool’s Army of the Night, Salama
VTR-25144 skn Duckstruck's Dabbling Duck, Dee

0-tulos, AVO0
VTR-25437 kn Beacon’s Feel Invincible, Salama
VTR-24168 nsn Pijonasfloo Kybartrai, Nessu
VTR-22912 lb Valhallan Chasing Shadows, suba
VTR-23057 lb Owl Eye's Catena, suba
VTR-23830 skn Double Play with Kankrelats, Nessu
VTR-25113 lb Fuglehund Is I Magen, Dee
VTR-25283 kn Double Play with Grusha, Dee


1-tulos, AVO1
VTR-24924 kkn Forsvarer Draupnir, Salama
VTR-25144 skn Duckstruck's Dabbling Duck, Dee
VTR-25108 skn Black Panther's Silmarillion, Dee

2-tulos, AVO2
VTR-25283 kn Double Play with Grusha, Dee
VTR-11037 nsn Renwa Aberrant Arca, Salama
VTR-24168 nsn Pijonasfloo Kybartrai, Nessu
VTR-25490 kn Solmusielun Kuningas Ylitse Kaikkien Kuninkaiden, Dee
VTR-25112 nsn Evenysred Pristine Blizzard, Dee
VTR-24473 skn Duckstruck's Common Merganser, Nessu
VTR-22912 lb Valhallan Chasing Shadows, suba

3-tulos, AVO3
VTR-25110 skn Malarkey's Crazy For You, Dee
VTR-23830 skn Double Play with Kankrelats, Nessu
VTR-25145 skn Duckstruck’s Dendermond Duck, Salama
VTR-23057 lb Owl Eye's Catena, suba
VTR-25437 kn Beacon’s Feel Invincible, Salama

0-tulos, AVO0
VTR-25323 kn Kaukovallan Leino, Dee
VTR-24841 skn Cooldrool’s Army of the Night, Salama
VTR-23906 lb Ducksport's Pretty But Petty, Dee
VTR-25113 lb Fuglehund Is I Magen, Dee
VTR-25455 kkn Duckstruck's Artifact of the Gatekeeper, Dee


1-tulos, VOI1
VTR-22067 kn Maybe It Will Rain de la Dorado, Nessu
VTR-25367 nsn Duckstruck's Sandplay Therapy, Dee
VTR-25069 kn Duckstruck’s Should I Know You?, Salama
VTR-25152 kn Duckstruck's Vault 04, Dee
VTR-25114 kn Dayanim Colour Me Like A Rainbow, Dee
VTR-24710 kn Tickleton Jaunty Jafar, Dee
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba
VTR-25068 kn Duckstruck's Where No One Goes, Dee

2-tulos, VOI2
VTR-24711 kn Sohurian Mikäs Tässä, Dee
VTR-25393 skn Double Play with Backward Galaxy, Salama
VTR-24708 kn Zacarías de Trabajo, Dee
VTR-24113 kn Owl Eye's Echoism, Nessu

3-tulos, VOI3
VTR-24747 nsn Tuurilla Metka, Dee
VTR-25057 lb Duckstruck’s Cryptic City, Salama
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba

0-tulos, VOI0
VTR-25109 skn Lättänän Suunta Hukassa, Dee
VTR-24250 nsn Double Play with Heartsong Bear, Nessu
VTR-14362 kn Kickblue Bull Fight Dance, Dee


1-tulos, VOI1
VTR-25393 skn Double Play with Backward Galaxy, Salama
VTR-24708 kn Zacarías de Trabajo, Dee
VTR-25109 skn Lättänän Suunta Hukassa, Dee
VTR-25114 kn Dayanim Colour Me Like A Rainbow, Dee
VTR-25057 lb Duckstruck’s Cryptic City, Salama
VTR-25152 kn Duckstruck's Vault 04, Dee
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba

2-tulos, VOI2
VTR-24250 nsn Double Play with Heartsong Bear, Nessu
VTR-24711 kn Sohurian Mikäs Tässä, Dee
VTR-24113 kn Owl Eye's Echoism, Nessu

3-tulos, VOI3
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba
VTR-25068 kn Duckstruck's Where No One Goes, Dee
VTR-25367 nsn Duckstruck's Sandplay Therapy, Dee
VTR-22067 kn Maybe It Will Rain de la Dorado, Nessu
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba

0-tulos, VOI0
VTR-24710 kn Tickleton Jaunty Jafar, Dee
VTR-24747 nsn Tuurilla Metka, Dee
VTR-14362 kn Kickblue Bull Fight Dance, Dee
VTR-25069 kn Duckstruck’s Should I Know You?, Salama


1-tulos, ALO1
VTR-23057 lb Owl Eye's Catena, suba
VTR-24681 lb Double Play with Blaine, Dee
VTR-23087 lb Owl Eye's Dodger, suba

2-tulos, ALO2
VTR-23483 lb Duckstruck's Paxillus Involutus, suba
VTR-24730 skn Jezebels Sonorous Cry, Dee
VTR-25368 nsn Duckstruck’s Hypnotherapy, Salama
VTR-24731 skn Moorhill's Pyramidal Saxifrage, Dee

3-tulos, ALO3
VTR-23537 lb Valhallan Fuzzy Wuzzy, suba
VTR-25282 kn Double Play with Brassius, Nessu
VTR-22912 lb Valhallan Chasing Shadows, suba
VTR-22955 lb Alp's Total Wreck, Dee

0-tulos, ALO0
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba
VTR-25561 lb Passato Oscuro á la Timido, Nessu


1-tulos, ALO1
VTR-22912 lb Valhallan Chasing Shadows, suba
VTR-25368 nsn Duckstruck’s Hypnotherapy, Salama
VTR-23057 lb Owl Eye's Catena, suba
VTR-25282 kn Double Play with Brassius, Nessu

2-tulos, ALO2
VTR-23483 lb Duckstruck's Paxillus Involutus, suba
VTR-24730 skn Jezebels Sonorous Cry, Dee
VTR-24681 lb Double Play with Blaine, Dee

3-tulos, ALO3
VTR-23537 lb Valhallan Fuzzy Wuzzy, suba
VTR-25561 lb Passato Oscuro á la Timido, Nessu

0-tulos, ALO0
VTR-23087 lb Owl Eye's Dodger, suba
VTR-24731 skn Moorhill's Pyramidal Saxifrage, Dee
VTR-22955 lb Alp's Total Wreck, Dee
VTR-25656 lb Valhallan Keys to the Kingdom, suba


1-tulos, AVO1
VTR-24126 kn Dipppy Barkleys Spearmint, Dee
VTR-24233 kn Halluharjan Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffin, Nessu
VTR-25419 skn Solmusielun Mä Oon Ku Peppu, Salama
VTR-24293 kn Double Play with Capricorn, Dee
VTR-25392 skn Double Play with Black Eye Galaxy, Nessu
VTR-24114 kn Owl Eye's Epimyth, Dee
VTR-19354 nsn Kupariketun Merkillinen Mies, Salama
VTR-24162 nsn Addio Per Sempre di Bulra Motore, Nessu

2-tulos, AVO2
VTR-23689 skn Duckstruck's Buff Duck, Dee
VTR-24190 lb Double Play with Laomedeia, Nessu
VTR-24232 lb Halluharjan The Only Exception, Nessu

3-tulos, AVO3
VTR-24709 kn Mistrzowski's Szczepan Kolby, Dee
VTR-24470 skn Duckstruck's Cayuga, Dee
VTR-23562 kkn Forsvarer Åsmund, Dee

0-tulos, AVO0
VTR-23559 kn Black Pearl Mystery, Dee
VTR-23832 skn Double Play with Mantas, Dee
VTR-24127 skn Cooldrool's Apple Of My Eye, Dee


1-tulos, AVO1
VTR-23689 skn Duckstruck's Buff Duck, Dee

2-tulos, AVO2
VTR-24114 kn Owl Eye's Epimyth, Dee
VTR-24709 kn Mistrzowski's Szczepan Kolby, Dee
VTR-23559 kn Black Pearl Mystery, Dee
VTR-24293 kn Double Play with Capricorn, Dee
VTR-23832 skn Double Play with Mantas, Dee

3-tulos, AVO3
VTR-19354 nsn Kupariketun Merkillinen Mies, Salama
VTR-23562 kkn Forsvarer Åsmund, Dee
VTR-25392 skn Double Play with Black Eye Galaxy, Nessu
VTR-24470 skn Duckstruck's Cayuga, Dee
VTR-24162 nsn Addio Per Sempre di Bulra Motore, Nessu
VTR-24126 kn Dipppy Barkleys Spearmint, Dee

0-tulos, AVO0
VTR-24190 lb Double Play with Laomedeia, Nessu
VTR-24127 skn Cooldrool's Apple Of My Eye, Dee
VTR-24233 kn Halluharjan Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffin, Nessu
VTR-25419 skn Solmusielun Mä Oon Ku Peppu, Salama
VTR-24232 lb Halluharjan The Only Exception, Nessu


1-tulos, VOI1
VTR-22367 skn Rallatellen Monsuuni, Dee

2-tulos, VOI2
VTR-24665 nsn Unimaan Bouncing in Bau-Bau, Salama
VTR-22564 skn Sorsasielun Ruisrääkkä, Dee
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba
VTR-23089 skn Double Play with Caeruleum, Dee

3-tulos, VOI3
VTR-23480 lb Duckstruck's Gyromitra Esculenta, Dee
VTR-19379 kn Kind of Criminal de la Dorado, Dee
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba
VTR-24839 skn Lättänän Pommi Vapaana, Salama
VTR-23481 lb Duckstruck's Galerina Marginata, Nessu
VTR-23638 skn Duckstruck's Appleyard Duck, Dee

0-tulos, VOI0
VTR-24164 kn Ajattoman Daffy Duck, Nessu
VTR-23219 kn Double Play with Digit, Dee
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba
VTR-23822 nsn Duckstruck's Hardyblue, Dee
VTR-24292 kn Double Play with Aries, Nessu
VTR-24928 kn Ajattoman Peppi Pitkätossu, Salama


1-tulos, VOI1
VTR-23481 lb Duckstruck's Galerina Marginata, Nessu
VTR-24292 kn Double Play with Aries, Nessu
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba
VTR-22564 skn Sorsasielun Ruisrääkkä, Dee
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba

2-tulos, VOI2
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba
VTR-24164 kn Ajattoman Daffy Duck, Nessu
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba
VTR-22367 skn Rallatellen Monsuuni, Dee

3-tulos, VOI3
VTR-24928 kn Ajattoman Peppi Pitkätossu, Salama
VTR-24839 skn Lättänän Pommi Vapaana, Salama
VTR-23480 lb Duckstruck's Gyromitra Esculenta, Dee

0-tulos, VOI0
VTR-23089 skn Double Play with Caeruleum, Dee
VTR-24665 nsn Unimaan Bouncing in Bau-Bau, Salama
VTR-23822 nsn Duckstruck's Hardyblue, Dee
VTR-23638 skn Duckstruck's Appleyard Duck, Dee
VTR-19379 kn Kind of Criminal de la Dorado, Dee
VTR-23219 kn Double Play with Digit, Dee


1-tulos, VOI1
VTR-22364 skn Wild Waters' Who Gardens the Gardener, Dee SERT
VTR-22586 nsn Duckstruck's Test Drive, Dee
VTR-21280 lb Valhallan Noxious Nirvana, Dee

2-tulos, VOI2
VTR-22365 skn Wilma Wiebke de Dreamy Gans, Dee
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba
VTR-22764 kn Duckstruck's Lutra Lutra, Dee

3-tulos, VOI3
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba
VTR-21282 nsn Duckstruck's Psychophysicotherapeutics, Dee
VTR-22609 skn Huntbrook's Wingardium Leviosa, Dee
VTR-22336 lb Valhallan Yogi Bear, suba
VTR-21687 kn Duckstruck's Bewilderbeast, Dee
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba

0-tulos, VOI0
VTR-22914 lb Valhallan City Of Secrets, Dee
VTR-22274 lb Nulabre Neill, suba
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba
VTR-21978 nsn Kaukovallan Jolly Rancher, Dee


1-tulos, VOI1
VTR-21280 lb Valhallan Noxious Nirvana, Dee SERT
VTR-22273 lb Bravement Boom Bang Bang, suba
VTR-22364 skn Wild Waters' Who Gardens the Gardener, Dee
VTR-21978 nsn Kaukovallan Jolly Rancher, Dee

2-tulos, VOI2
VTR-22336 lb Valhallan Yogi Bear, suba
VTR-22586 nsn Duckstruck's Test Drive, Dee
VTR-22858 lb La Solitudine á la Timido, suba

3-tulos, VOI3
VTR-22274 lb Nulabre Neill, suba
VTR-21282 nsn Duckstruck's Psychophysicotherapeutics, Dee
VTR-21687 kn Duckstruck's Bewilderbeast, Dee
VTR-22857 lb Keijumetsän Hiomaton Timantti, suba

0-tulos, VOI0
VTR-22365 skn Wilma Wiebke de Dreamy Gans, Dee
VTR-22764 kn Duckstruck's Lutra Lutra, Dee
VTR-22914 lb Valhallan City Of Secrets, Dee
VTR-22855 lb Fuglehund Fallen Angel, suba
VTR-22856 lb Raavks Hjerteknuser, suba
VTR-22609 skn Huntbrook's Wingardium Leviosa, Dee

Ulkoasu © Dee
Kultsut © Unsplash
Tausta © Unsplash
Tekstit © Dee
Duckstruck's on virtuaalikennel!
Duckstruck's is a sim game kennel!
Double Play
Owl Eye's